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Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer

兒童攀石試堂—同行優惠 條款及細則:

  1. 「兒童攀石試堂—同行優惠」一般條款請參考「兒童攀石試堂」之條款及細則:

  2. 「兒童攀石試堂—同行優惠」適用於所有4至12歲小朋友,不論新、舊學員或現有學員,均可享用此優惠,惟每人只可享用優惠一次。

  3. 「兒童攀石試堂—同行優惠」已包括租借攀石鞋費用。

  4. 「兒童攀石試堂—同行優惠」一經預約、登記及完成交易,任何情況下均不可退款及轉讓他人使用。

  5. 已預約的「小童攀石試堂—同行優惠」如需改期,請於上課最少三天前聯絡我們,否則不接受改期。改期必須改為原本課堂起計的一個月內,而且須同行朋友全數一同更改上課日子,不接受分開上課。

  6. 「兒童攀石試堂—同行優惠」學員於試堂當天報讀恆常班,可減免試堂費HKD100,逾時報名及交易一律須以正價付款。

  7. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  8. 如有任何爭議,本館保留最終決定權。

  9. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於「兒童攀石試堂—同行優惠」之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  10. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer Terms and Conditions:

  1. Please refer to the "Kids Climbing Trial Lesson T&C" for general terms and conditions of the “Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer":

  2. "Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer" is applicable to all children aged 4 to 12, regardless of whether new, old, or existing students can enjoy this discount, but each person can only enjoy the discount once.

  3.  “Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer" includes the climbing shoes rental fee.

  4. Once the “Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer" is reserved, registered and the transaction is completed, it cannot be refunded or transferred to others under any circumstances.

  5. If the rescheduling of the reserved “Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer" is needed, please contact us at least three days before the class, otherwise rescheduling will not be accepted. The rescheduled date must be changed to within one month of the original class, and all accompanying friends must change the class day together. Separate classes are not accepted.

  6. Students of “Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer" will be exempted from the trial lesson fee of HKD100 when they enroll in the regular class on the same day. For late registration and transactions, the full price will be charged.

  7. For enquiries, please contact us via WhatsApp or Signal on 6380 0112.

  8. In case of any disputes, the gym reserves the right of final decision.

  9. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the “Kids Climbing Trial Lesson—Companion Offer" at any time without prior notice.

  10. The above terms and conditions are written in traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between the two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall prevail.

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