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Terms & Conditions

Waiver 免責聲明



  1. 本人願意免除在The Player Climbingym場地及活動、學會或課程導師,所有工作人員、義工及場地職員(全部統稱為The Player Ltd)的所有責任。

  2. 本人了解攀石活動及/或課程是一項極耗體力的活動。據本人所知而言,本人沒有隱瞞任何既有之健康及心理問題,並已掌握一切運動過程帶來的風險。

  3. 本人健康狀況良好。因此,本人並無任何健康理由或其他理由導致本人不宜參加攀石活動及/或課程訓練。

  4. 本人知悉及明白在The Player Ltd所舉辦的任何活動及/或課程會涉及許多風險及危機。本人願意接納及完全承擔一切風險、危機;可能造成的人身傷害、死亡、財物或損失。

  5. 本人是自願參加The Player Ltd場地以內及外的所有活動,並明白活動或訓練項目帶有危險性。本人可選擇是否接受活動安排,如參加時因任何個人原因受傷或遭遇意外,The Player Ltd及安排活動或課程之有關人士將不須負上任何責任。

  6. 本人明白The Player Ltd場地設施 (不包括可移動傢俬及可移動軟墊等) 有機會被移位或損耗導致危機。本人使用前會檢查是否合適使用,如導致受傷將不會向The Player Ltd提出任何形式的一切索償,包括法律行動、追討費用及支出的要求。

  7. 已購買之所有課程、日票、月票或共享票 (Share Passes) 在任何情況下一律不能轉讓、延期及退款,購買時需要慎重考慮。

  8. 本人同意並授權The Player Ltd拍攝、使用、改造、修飾、公開展示本人之肖像 (包含照片及視訊影像,以下簡稱肖像)、名字、聲音等,於本活動中所拍攝之作品。本人同意The Player Ltd就上述著作(內含上述授權之肖像、名字、聲音等)享有完整之著作權,其關係企業、受讓人、被授權人及繼受人得使用本人之肖像、名字、聲音等於所有形式的著作載體及媒體。The Player Ltd得以各種管道或印刷方式呈現授權內容之全部或部分,並可公開發表,無須再通知或經由本人同意。

  9. 有關使用場地作拍攝及非個人用途(包括但不限於商業用途)事宜,必須事前向本館職員查詢、預約並獲得授權,方可使用場地作拍攝之用。本館保留一切未經授權之非個人用途拍攝之追究權利。

  10. 本人同意在活動及/或課程進行時,遵守The Player Ltd的場地守則及所有工作人員指示。

  11. 本人免除The Player Ltd就本人或本人家屬因本人參與活動及/或行程及/或課程而基於任何原因所蒙受或招致的任何損失、損毀、受傷或支出負上責任。

  12. 本人同意其健康聲明 (及使用有關軟件記錄每次之到訪) 受香港法例監管,任何有關法律問題將交由香港具管轄權的公正法院處理。

  13. The Player Ltd建議各參加者應有責任自行購買個人之意外保險,以提供更全面的保障。

  14. 本人同意The Player Ltd使用本人之個人資料,以作行政、活動或課程籌備及緊急事故上之安排。

  15. 本人簽署本文件前已閱讀及明白當中內容,本人知悉在下方簽署會完全放棄本人,本人的繼承人,近親,遺產執行人對The Player Ltd的一切追究,索償或任何形式起訴等法律權力及責任。



Please read carefully of the disclaimer below

  1. I agree to waive all responsibilities of The Player Climbingym, include but not limited to The Player Ltd, instructors, employees, volunteers, and all staffs in the venue (hereinafter “The Player Ltd”).

  2. I understand that climbing activities or courses are extreme physical exertion sport and they could bring risk of injuries. According to the best of my knowledge, I do not withhold any existing health and psychological problems.

  3. I am in a good health condition; therefore, I have no other health problem or any other problem that cause me not suitable to participate in climbing activities and/or trainings.

  4. I acknowledge and understand all activities and/or courses organized by The Player Ltd involve risks and crises. I agree to accept and am fully responsible for all risks and crises, which may lead to physical injury, death, property lost or damage.

  5. I voluntarily participate in any of the activities that are organized by The Player Ltd; both take place within or outside The Player Ltd premises. I understand the activities, and/or trainings, and/or courses organized by The Player Ltd involve risks. In case any personal reasons that cause injury or accident happen during any activity, The Player Ltd and any person(s) associated with the courses and/or trainings and/or activities is (are) not liable to any responsibility.

  6. I understand that all facilities and equipment (not include portable pads or furniture) should be inspected before usage. The Player Ltd and any person(s) associated is(are) not responsible for any accident due to wear and tear of equipment.

  7. Purchased memberships, day passes, share passes, and courses are not allowed to be refunded, extended, or transferred under any circumstances. Please consider carefully before you make the purchase.

  8. I agree and authorize The Player Ltd to shoot, use, modify, and publicly display my portrait(s) (including photo(s) and video image(s), hereinafter referred to as portrait(s)), name(s), voice(s), etc. I agree with The Player Ltd, its affiliates, transferees, authorized persons and successors enjoy the complete copyright of the above-mentioned works (including the above-mentioned authorized portrait(s), name(s), voice(s), etc.), may use my own portrait(s), name(s), voice(s), etc. in all forms of works. The Player Ltd can present all or part of the authorized content in various channels or printing methods. The content can be published publicly, without further notice or consent.

  9. Regarding the use of the venue for filming and non-personal purposes (including but not limited to commercial purposes), I must inquire, make an appointment and obtain authorization from The Player Ltd in advance before using the venue for filming. The Player Ltd reserves all rights to seek all remedies for any unauthorized non-personal use of filming.

  10. I agree to abide The Player Ltd regulations and instructions from all staffs during all activities and/or courses.

  11. I exempt all responsibilities of The Player Ltd base on any reasons, in incurring any loss, damage, physical injury, or expense to me or my family members, due to my participation in any activity and/or itinerary and/or course conduct by The Player Ltd.

  12. I agree that the signed health declaration (including related application recording the time of my visit) is overseeing by the Hong Kong Legislative Law, any relevant legal issues should be handed over to the Hong Kong Judiciary.

  13. The Player Ltd suggests all participants to purchase Personal Accident Insurance, to provide more comprehensive protection.

  14. I agree to give up any possible claims raised in any forms of claims, legal actions, or any recovering expenses against The Player Ltd.

  15. I read and fully understand the content of this disclaimer before signing. I know and understand that, by signing this document, I fully give up the right of myself, my descendants, next of kin, estate executor to sue, claim, or take any form of legal action and liability against The Player Ltd and associates.


*All personal information is protected under the Privacy Ordinance, and is only for use in The Player Ltd.


Day Pass

Day Pass T&C日票條款及細則

  1. 購買及/或使用日票無須事前預約,即日購票即可。


  2. 使用日票之人士可於本館營業時間內(星期一至五下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布)光臨攀爬,並使用各項設施,除了不定時之定線區域、私人場合、須另付入場費用的特備活動等等,有關安排及宣布將透過本館Facebook及Instagram公布。

  3. 日票只用作即日入場之用,不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每對須另付港幣$40。

  4. 日票有效期只限購票當天使用。

  5. 日票使用者可於入場攀爬當日中途離場再入場,次數不限,惟進出場館請告知接待處職員。

  6. 日票只限個人使用。一經購買,即使未曾使用(即未曾攀爬),均不可轉讓、退換或退款

  7. 學生日票購買者必須為25歲或以下全日制學生(本地或外地均可)。購買學生日票時須出示有效全日制學生證明文件,有關文件必須清楚列明其全日制學生身分,以及學生身分到期日(小童可出示學生手冊、或出世紙及其他附有相片之身份證明文件;中、小學生可出示學生手冊或附有相片之學生證)。

  8. 傷殘人士日票購買者於購票時須出示有由中華人民共和國香港特別行政區(「香港」) 勞工及福利局康復服務中央檔案室 (「檔案室」) 發出的有效殘疾人士登記證。

  9. 日票使用者可支付差價,於入場攀爬當日到訪本館接待處將日票升級至會籍 (1/3/6/12個月會員)(請注意:接待處結束工作時間為:星期一至五–晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期–晚上7時30分);或可於入場攀爬當日、上述接待處結束工作時間前,經WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以升級會籍,惟付款方式只限PayMe/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。會籍開始日必須為使用者入場攀爬當日。日票於入場攀爬當日、接待處結束工作過後,或於入場攀爬當日之後,將不可升級把日票升級至會籍。

  10. 日票使用者不可支付差價,將日票改購成為共享票 (Share Passes)。

  11. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買日票不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  12. 本館有權隨時於以下情況取消賓客之日票資格,或暫停或中止相關的優惠,而毋須退款或作出任何賠償:
    12.1 日票及/或其優惠被用於商業目的或其他未經授權的目的而被濫用;
    12.2 日票違反或不遵守此等條款及細則,或是本館的任何條款;
    12.3 賓客作出危險、違法或無禮的行為;
    12.4 為保障安全、治安或秩序;或
    ​12.5 本館認為情況所需。

  13. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  14. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  15. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  16. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於日票之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  17. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買日票者之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。

  1. No reservation is needed in advance to purchase and/or use a Day Pass. You can purchase the pass per arrival.
    *If guest has not visited The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:
    **For guests without any climbing experience, we strongly recommend attending the ‘Beginner Program’ first to learn the basic climbing skills and safety instructions.

  2. Day Pass users can visit the gym during the opening hours (Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; special opening hours will be announced through the gym’s Facebook and Instagram pages) for climbing and using facilities in-gym, except for occasional route setting areas, private events, special activities that require additional admission fees, etc. Relevant arrangements will be announced through the gyms’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

  3. Day Pass is for on-the-day admission only upon purchase and does NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  4. Day Pass is only valid for admission on the date of purchased.

  5. Day Pass users are able to exit and re-enter the gym anytime during the visit day. Please inform the reception staff while exiting and re-entering the gym.

  6. Day Pass is for personal use only. Once purchased, the pass is NOT transferable, exchangeable, or refundable, even if it has not been used.

  7. Student Day Pass user must be full-time student aged 25 or below (both local and overseas students are permitted). A valid full-time student identification document must be presented upon purchase. The relevant documents must clearly state his/her full-time identity and the student ID expiration date (Children can present student handbook, birth certificate, and other identification documents with photos; Primary and secondary school students can present student handbook or student ID card with photo).

  8. Disabled Day Pass user must present a valid registration card for persons with disabilities issued by the Central Registry for Rehabilitation (CRR) of the Labour and Welfare Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (“HKSAR”) upon purchase.

  9. Day Pass user can upgrade his/her Day Pass to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) by paying the price difference on the day of climbing by visiting the reception (Please note that the closing hours of the reception are: Monday to Friday – 10:15 pm; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays – 7:30 pm); or before the closing hours of the reception on the day of climbing via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment). Start day of all upgraded memberships must be the day of visiting. Day Pass cannot be upgraded to membership after the reception closed or after the day of visiting.

  10. Day Pass users are NOT allowed to pay the price difference and upgrade the pass to Shared Passes.

  11. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Day Pass purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts. 

  12. The Player Climbingym reserves the right at any time to suspend or terminate the use of any Day Pass, or cancel related offers at any time without any refund or compensation if in its sole judgment any of the following circumstances:
    12.1 if the Day Pass and/or its benefits are used for commercial or other unauthorised purposes;
    12.2 if the Day Pass user violates or fails to comply with any of these terms and conditions, or any terms of the gym;
    12.3 for unsafe, illegal, or offensive behaviour;
    12.4 to ensure safety, security or order; or
    12.5 if The Player Climbingym considers that the circumstances so require.

  13. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  14. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  15. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  16. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Day Pass at any time without prior notice.

  17. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Day Pass users. Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.


Monthly, Quarterly, Half-year, and Annual Passes T&C

  1. 欲購買月票、季票、半年票及年票通行證者可於本館接待處開放時間內購買會籍(星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分前);亦可WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以購買會籍,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  2. 使用通行證之人士無須事前預約,可於本館營業時間內(星期一至五下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布)光臨攀爬,並使用各項設施,除了不定時之定線區域、私人場合、須另付入場費用的特備活動等等,有關安排及宣布將透過本館Facebook及Instagram公布。

  3. 通行證只用作入場之用,不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每次、每對須付港幣$40。

  4. 通行證有效期為:月票–購票起計30日、季票–購票起計90日、半年票–購票起計180日及年票–購票起計365日。購票時職員會告知購票者會籍之最後有效日,請購票者自行記下日子。如有查詢,歡迎親臨本館或發送訊息與我們聯絡。

  5. 通行證使用者可於會籍有效期內、於本館營業時間內無限次入場。

  6. 通行證只限個人使用。一經購買,任何情況下*,不可轉讓他人使用、退換或退款

  7. 任何情況下*,已購買的通行證會籍不能暫停或凍結。欲購買通行證者請務必先考慮清楚,方進行通行證購買。

  8. 歡迎持有效通行證者更新會籍 (“續會”),其會籍將會於本來之最後有效日加上續會的時限。續會後,職員會告知續會者會籍更新後之最後有效日,請續會者自行記下日子。如有查詢,歡迎親臨本館或發送訊息與我們聯絡。

  9. 購買通行證後,本館職員會協助持證人拍下個人照,並上傳至本館系統以作記錄。另外,持證人將獲發會員卡一張。會員卡背面印有持證人姓名、其獨特的會員號碼以及入場條碼 (Barcode)。持有效會籍者於每次入場時必須以個人會員卡掃瞄條碼,成功掃瞄後方可入場。

  10. 如持證人不是第一次獲發會員卡,即以往已擁有一張會員卡,持證人須使用先前的會員卡作通行證辦理,而不會獲發一張新的會員卡。如已擁之會員卡已遺失,請參照第11條所述的規定辦理補領手續。

  11. 因遺失、失竊、損壞或應會員要求而補發的會員卡須付由本館決定的手續費。會員須親身到本館辦理及領取補發之會員卡。補領時,會員須提供個人身份證明文件以供核實。

  12. 本館可能要求會員每次以會員卡入場時出示身分證明文件以核實個人身份。如本館認為會員的身份無法通過本條款及細則所載的一種或多種方法被核實,本館有權拒絕有關賓客進入本館。

  13. 本館有權隨時於以下情況取消及/或沒收會員卡(及其相關會籍),或暫停或中止與會員卡相關的優惠,而毋須退款或作出任何賠償:
    13.1 使用會員卡入場或領取優惠者並非會員卡上所指定的賓客;
    13.2 會員卡及/或其優惠被用於商業目的或其他未經授權的目的而被濫用;
    13.3 會員違反或不遵守此等條款及細則,或是本館的任何條款;
    13.4 會員作出危險、違法或無禮的行為;
    13.5 為保障安全、治安或秩序;或
    13.6 本館認為情況所需。

  14. 學生通行證購買者必須為25歲或以下全日制學生(本地或外地均可)。購買學生通行證時須出示有效全日制學生證明文件,有關文件必須清楚列明其全日制學生身分,以及學生身分到期日(小童可出示學生手冊、或出世紙及其他附有相片之身份證明文件;中、小學生可出示學生手冊或附有相片之學生證)。

  15. 日票使用者可支付差價,於入場攀爬當日到訪本館接待處將日票升級至各款通行證 (1/3/6/12個月會員)(請注意:接待處結束工作時間為:星期一至五–晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期–晚上7時30分);或可於入場攀爬當日、上述接待處結束工作時間前,經WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以升級會籍,惟付款方式只限PayMe/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。會籍開始日必須為使用者入場攀爬當日。日票於入場攀爬當日、接待處結束工作過後,或於入場攀爬當日之後,將不可升級把日票升級至會籍。

  16. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買通行證不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  17. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  18. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  19. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  20. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於通行證之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。若本館就此條款及細則作出重大變化,將以本館認為適當的方式發佈此等重大變化,作為構成對會員的有效通知,包括但不限於本館Facebook、Instagram或張貼在本館網頁。

  21. 本館有權隨時終止或暫停各款通行證的供應、任何部份或使用而不作事前通知。

  22. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買通行證者之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。

  1. Monthly, Quarterly, Half-year, and Annual passes (“Membership”) can be purchased during the opening hours at the reception of The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.); or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If guest has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry: 
    **For guests without any climbing experience, we strongly recommend attending the ‘Beginner Program’ first to learn the basic climbing skills and safety instructions.

  2. No reservation is needed in advance to for Membership holder (“Member”). Pass holder can visit the gym during business hours (Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; special opening hours will be announced through the gym’s Facebook and Instagram pages) for climbing and using facilities in-gym, except for occasional route setting areas, private events, special activities that require additional admission fees, etc. Relevant arrangements will be announced through the gyms’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

  3. Membership is for admission only and does NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  4. Memberships’ validity are: Monthly Pass – 30 days from the date of purchase; Quarterly Pass – 90 days from the date of purchase; Half-year Pass – 180 days from the date of purchase; and Annual Pass – 365 days from the date of purchase. The last valid date of the membership will be informed to the member by staff at the gym. Member shall note the date on his/her own. For any inquiries, please contact us in-gym or via text.

  5. Member is able to visit the gym anytime during the opening hours of the gym, within his/her the membership validity period.

  6. Membership is for personal use only. Once purchased and under any circumstance, the pass is NOT transferable, exchangeable, or refundable.

  7. Membership CANNOT be suspended or frozen under any circumstance. Please consider carefully before purchase.
    *Any circumstance includes the temporarily closure due to the government's latest pandemic measure, and completed vaccinations required by the government.

  8. Current valid Member can renew membership. Upon purchase, the last valid date of the membership will be extended base on the type of new membership purchase. The updated valid period will be informed by staff at the gym. Member shall note the date on his/her own. For any inquiries, please contact us in-gym or via text.

  9. After membership purchasing, staff will assist member to take a personal photo and upload it to the gym system for record. Member will be issued a membership card. Member’s name, unique membership number, and the entry barcode are printed on the back of the card. Valid member must scan the card with the barcode every time while entering the gym.

  10. If member has been issued a membership card previously (i.e. he/she already has a membership card), he/she must use the previous card for entry, and a new membership card will NOT be issued. If the card is lost, please refer to the procedures 11 for processing.

  11. Membership cards that are lost, being stolen, damaged, or reissued at request of members are subject to a handling fee determined by the gym. Member must visit the gym in-person to apply and collect the reissued membership card. Member is required to provide personal identification documents for verification upon card replacement.

  12. Apart from scanning the membership cards, members might be required to present identification documents to verify his/her personal identities while entering the gym each time. If the gym considers that the member identity cannot be verified by one or more methods set out in these terms and conditions, the gym reserves the right to reject the member from entering.

  13. The gym reserves the right at any time to revoke and/or retain the membership card (and the corresponding membership), or suspend or terminate the benefits associated with the membership card, without refund or compensation id in its sole judgment any of the following circumstances arise:
    13.1. if the membership card is used for admission or redemption of benefits by any person other than the member whose name is printed on the membership card;
    13.2. if the membership card and/or its benefits are used for commercial or other unauthorised purposes;
    13.3. if the member violates or fails to comply with any of these terms and conditions, or any terms of the gym;
    13.4. for unsafe, illegal, or offensive behaviour;
    13.5. to ensure safety, security or order; or
    13.6. if The Player Climbingym considers that the circumstances so require.

  14. Student member must be full-time student aged 25 or below (both local and overseas students are permitted. A valid full-time student identification document must be presented upon purchase. The relevant documents must clearly state his/her full-time identity and the student ID expiration date (Children can present student handbook, birth certificate, and other identification documents with photos; Primary and secondary school students can present student handbook or student ID card with photo).

  15. Day Pass user can upgrade his/her Day Pass to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) by paying the price difference on the day of climbing by visiting the reception (Please note that the closing hours of the reception are: Monday to Friday – 10:15 pm; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays – 7:30 pm); or before the closing hours of the reception on the day of climbing via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or via Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment). Start day of all upgraded memberships must be the day of visiting. Day Pass cannot be upgraded to membership after the reception closed or after the day of visiting.

  16. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Day Pass purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  17. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  18. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  19. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  20. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Day Pass users. Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

  21. The gym reserves the right to terminate or suspend the supply, any part or use of the membership at any time without prior notice.

  22. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the membership at any time without prior notice. If the gym makes major changes to these terms and conditions, it will be published in a manner that the gym deems appropriate as a valid notice to members, including Facebook, Instagram or posting on The Player Climbingym’s website.

Share Passes

Share Passes T&C

  1. 購買5張、10張、25張或50張共享票可於本館接待處開放時間內購買會籍(星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分前);亦可WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以購買共享票,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  2. 使用共享票之人士無須事前預約,可於本館營業時間內(星期一至五下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布)光臨攀爬,並使用各項設施,除了不定時之定線區域、私人場合、須另付入場費用的特備活動等等,有關安排及宣布將透過本館Facebook及Instagram公布。

  3. 共享票只用作即日入場之用,不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每次、每對須付港幣$40。

  4. 共享票有效期為:5張–購票起計60日、10張–購票起計90日、25張–購票起計180日、50張–購票起計365日。購票時職員會告知購票者共享票之最後有效日,請購票者自行記下日子。如有查詢,歡迎親臨本館或發送訊息與我們聯絡。

  5. 5張及10張共享票最多可有1位票主;25張為2位;50張為3位。共享票之分配必須於購票時清楚列明,事後不得作任何更改。每位票主均可獲一張會員卡,其票會記錄於此卡內。會員卡背面印有持證人姓名、其獨特的會員號碼以及入場條碼(Barcode)。票主本人於每次入場時必須以個人會員卡掃瞄條碼,成功掃瞄後方可入場。

  6. 如票主不是第一次獲發會員卡,即以往已擁有一張會員卡,持證人須使用先前的會員卡作通行證辦理,而不會獲發一張新的會員卡。如已擁之會員卡已遺失,請參照第7條所述的規定辦理補領手續。

  7. 因遺失、失竊、損壞或應會員要求而補發的會員卡須付由本公司決定的手續費。補發的會員卡的最後有效日期將維持不變,會員須親身到本館辦理及領取補發之會員卡。補領時,會員須提供個人身份證明文件以供核實。

  8. 本館可能要求會員每次以會員卡入場時出示身分證明文件以核實個人身份。如本館認為會員的身份無法通過本條款及細則所載的一種或多種方法被核實,本館有權拒絕有關賓客進入本館。

  9. 購買共享票後,本館職員會協助每位票主拍下個人照,並上傳至本館系統以作記錄。

  10. 共享票可分享給他人使用,使用者必須提供自己的姓名及電話號碼,以及共享票票主的姓名及電話號碼。每張共享票一經登記,任何情況下*不可轉讓他人使用、退換或退款

  11. 共享票使用者可於入場攀爬當日中途離場再入場,次數不限,惟進出場館請告知接待處職員。

  12. 任何情況下*,已購買的共享票有效期不能暫停或凍結。欲購買共享票者請務必先考慮清楚,方進行共享票購買。

  13. 共享票並不能更新會籍(“續會”)。歡迎持有效共享票人士購買更多共享票,其有效日期亦會按照購票當日起計算,舊有共享票之最後有效日不會被更新。

  14. 共享票使用者不可支付差價,將共享票改購成為1/3/6/12個月會籍通行證。

  15. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買通行證不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  16. 本館有權隨時於以下情況取消賓客之共享票資格,或暫停或中止相關的優惠,而毋須退款或作出任何賠償:
    16.1    使用共享票票主會員卡入場或領取優惠者並非會員卡上所指定的賓客;
    16.2    共享票及/或其優惠被用於商業目的或其他未經授權的目的而被濫用;
    16.3    共享票違反或不遵守此等條款及細則,或是本館的任何條款;
    16.4    賓客作出危險、違法或無禮的行為;
    16.5    為保障安全、治安或秩序;或
    16.6    本館認為情況所需。

  17. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  18. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  19. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  20. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於共享票之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。若本館就此條款及細則作出重大變化,將以本館認為適當的方式發佈此等重大變化,作為構成對會員的有效通知,包括但不限於本館Facebook、Instagram或張貼在本館網頁。

  21. 本館有權隨時終止或暫停各款共享票的供應、任何部份或使用而不作事前通知。

  22. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買共享票者之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。

  1. 5, 10, 25, 50 Share Passes (“Share Pass(es)”) can be purchased during the opening hours at the reception of The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.); or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If Share Passes holder/user has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry: 
    **For guests without any climbing experience, we strongly recommend attending the ‘Beginner Program’ first to learn the basic climbing skills and safety instructions.

  2. No reservation is needed in advance to for Share Passes user. User can visit the gym during business hours (Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; special opening hours will be announced through the gym’s Facebook and Instagram pages) for climbing and using facilities in-gym, except for occasional route setting areas, private events, special activities that require additional admission fees, etc. Relevant arrangements will be announced through the gyms’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

  3. Share Pass is for admission only and does NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended. 

  4. Validity of Share Passes is: 5 Passes  – 60 days from the date of purchase; 10 Passes – 90 days from the date of purchase; 25 Passes – 180 days from the date of purchase; and 50 Passes – 365 days from the date of purchase. The last valid date of the membership will be informed to the member by staff at the gym. Member shall note the date on his/her own. For any inquiries, please contact us in-gym or via text.
    *Due to personal privacy, only Share Passes holders are allowed to inquire on how many passes they are holding, and the validity period of their passes.

  5. Max. 1 holder for 5 and 10 Share Passes; max. 2 for 25 Passes; and max. 3 for 50  Passes. However, the allocation of all Share Passes must be clearly stated at the time of passes purchase, and no changes can be made afterwards. Each ticket owner can get a membership card, and the passes will be recorded in this card. Holder’s name, unique membership number, and the entry barcode are printed on the back of the card. Holder must scan the card with the barcode every time while entering the gym.

  6. If holder has been issued a membership card previously (i.e. he/she already has a membership card), he/she must use the previous card for entry, and a new membership card will NOT be issued. If the card is lost, please refer to the procedures 7 for processing. 

  7. Membership cards that are lost, being stolen, damaged, or reissued at request of holder are subject to a handling fee determined by the gym. Holder must visit the gym in-person to apply and collect the reissued membership card. Holder is required to provide personal identification documents for verification upon card replacement.

  8. Apart from scanning the membership cards, holder might be required to present identification documents to verify his/her personal identities while entering the gym each time. If the gym considers that the holder identity cannot be verified by one or more methods set out in these terms and conditions, the gym reserves the right to reject the holder from entering.

  9. After Share Passes purchasing, staff will assist holder(s) to take personal photo(s) and upload it(them) to the gym system for record.

  10. Share Passes can be used by others, other than only the holder. User must provide his/her own name and phone number, as well as the name and phone number of the Share Passes holder. Once registered, under any circumstance*each Share Pass is non-transferable, exchangeable or refundable

  11. Share Pass users are able exit and re-enter the gym anytime during the visit day. Please inform the reception staffs while exiting and re-entering the gym. 

  12. Share Passes CANNOT be suspended or frozen under any circumstance*. Please consider carefully before purchase.
    *Any circumstance includes the temporarily closure due to the government's latest pandemic measure, and completed vaccinations required by the government.

  13. Share Passes CANNOT be renewed. Valid Share Passes holders are welcome to purchase more shared tickets. The validity will be calculated from the date of purchase, while the last valid date of the OLD shared tickets WILL NOT be updated. 

  14. Share Passes CANNOT be upgraded to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) by paying the price difference.

  15. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Share Passes purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  16. The gym reserves the right at any time to revoke and/or retain the Share Passes ,or suspend or terminate the benefits associated with the Passes, without refund or compensation id in its sole judgment any of the following circumstances arise:
    16.1    if the Share Passes membership card is used for admission or redemption of benefits by any person other than the member whose name is printed on the membership card;
    16.2    if the Share Passes and/or their benefits are used for commercial or other unauthorised purposes;
    16.3    if the holder/user violates or fails to comply with any of these terms and conditions, or any terms of the gym;
    16.4    for unsafe, illegal, or offensive behaviour;
    16.5    to ensure safety, security or order; or
    16.6    if The Player Climbingym considers that the circumstances so require. 

  17. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  18. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  19. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  20. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Day Pass at any time without prior notice. If the gym makes major changes to these terms and conditions, it will be published in a manner that the gym deems appropriate as a valid notice to members, including Facebook, Instagram or posting on The Player Climbingym’s website.

  21. The gym reserves the right to terminate or suspend the supply, any part or use of the Share Passes at any time without prior notice.

  22. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Share Passes holders/users. Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

Beginner Program

Beginner Program T&C

  1. 如欲參加「新手入門班」(“新手班”)必須先預約時間。可於本館接待處開放時間內查詢(星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分);亦可WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox查詢及預約時間,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  2. 新手班每班最多四人。參加新手班人士(“參加者”)最少二人成行,少於四人報名的參加者有機會與其他人同班。如參加者只有一人,建議參加一對一課堂。本館亦可協助一人參加者尋找合適班組,惟有機會未能成功,或需稍長時間尋找合適班組。

  3. 新手班為時一小時。參加者將會學習基本攀爬技巧及安全指引,上課全程會有導師在旁指引。

  4. 新手班可預約之時段為:星期一至五–下午3時正至4時正;下午4時正至5時正;下午5時正至6時正;

  5. 新手班參加者會獲贈即日入場日票一張*,可於下課後留在本館繼續攀爬並使用各項設施直至當日閉館(本館營業時間:星期一至五–下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期–上午10時至下午8時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布),惟沒有導師在旁指引,參加者須自行照顧自身安全。

  6. 參加者下課後可於入場攀爬當日中途離場再入場,次數不限,惟進出場館請告知接待處職員。

  7. 新手班已包括攀石鞋租借,無須額外付款。

  8. 新手班未能指定教練,敬請留意。

  9. 新手班一經預約及完成交易,任何情況下均不可退款

  10. 已預約的新手班如需改期,請於上課最少三天前聯絡我們,否則不接受改期。改期必須改為原本課堂計起的一個月內

  11. 如參加者須請病假,須在不遲於上課當天通知我們申請病假,並發送由註冊醫務所發出之醫生紙,方可獲發補堂,否則將被視作缺席課堂,課堂將不獲改期。本來與病假者一起上課之參加者不可獲改期上課,已預約之課堂將如期舉行。補堂改期請參考本細則第9條。

  12. 參加者不可支付差價,將新手班門票升級至會籍或改購成為共享票(Share Passes)。

  13. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買新手班不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  14. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  15. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  16. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  17. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於新手班之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  18. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買新手班者之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。


  1. 敬請學員準時出席,遲到學員並不會獲得補時。 

  2. 學員如有任何不宜於攀石之疾病或傷患,請學員自行評估是否適合參加相關課堂,或向員工諮詢參考。若隱瞞或出現症狀,本館恕不負責,並有權拒絕學員進場上堂。

  3. 所有場地內之工具或設施如因人為疏忽或故意損壞,須照價賠償。

  4. 學員必須妥善保管自己的個人財物,及需穿着合適的衣著上課。若發生任何意外,本館恕不負責。 

  5. 為安全起見,學員在任何時候都應遵守課程導師的指示。

  6. 若課程導師認為有學員作出令人無法容忍的行為,包括但不限於對其他在場人士作出滋擾、對其他人造成身體上的傷害、使用可能令人厭惡或煩擾的言語或動作、或作出不雅的行為,本館有權請該學員離開或終止該學員的整個課程。在這種情況下,該學員將不會獲得任何退款或其他安排。 

  1. Beginner Program participants must make appointment with The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) in advance. Bookings and inquiries can be made during the opening hours of the reception (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.) in-person, or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If guest has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:

  2. Maximum of 4 students per class. At least 2 persons are required to join for the Beginner Program. Participants who sign up with less than 4 persons might have to share the class with others. If there is only 1 participant, it is recommended to participate in ‘One to One Program’. The gym can also assist 1-person participant to find a suitable team, but it might be unsuccessful, or may take a longer period to find a suitable team.

  3. Beginner Program is a 1 hour class. Participants will learn basic climbing skills and safety guidelines. Instructors will guide all participants throughout the class.

  4. Beginner Program can be reserved at: Monday to Friday – 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.;
    Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    If there are special business hours, the gym will inform the participants separately.

  5. Participants will get a day pass* and are able to stay in the gym after class to continue climbing and use facilities until closing time on the visit day (the opening hours of the gym: Monday to Friday – 2:00 pm to 10:30 pm; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays – 10:00 am to 10:00 pm 8:00 p.m.; special opening hours will be announced on Facebook and Instagram of the gym), but there will be no instructor to guide, and participants must take care of themselves for self-climbing.
    *This day pass CANNOT be used before the class. It will be activated after the class.

  6. Participants are able to exit and re-enter the gym anytime during the visit day. Please inform the reception staffs while exiting and re-entering the gym.

  7. Climbing shoes rental is included in the Beginner Program at no additional cost.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  8. Designated instructor is NOT available.

  9. Once the Beginner Program class is booked and the transaction is completed, NO REFUND will be given under any circumstances.

  10. If the reserved Beginner Program needs to be rescheduled, please contact us at least three days before the class, otherwise rescheduling will NOT be accepted. The date of the reschedule class must be made within one month of the original class.
    In case of special circumstances, such as bad weather*, the gym must be closed due to the government's epidemic prevention measures, etc., the gym will discuss with the participants about rescheduling according to the actual situation, but in general, rescheduling can only be changed to within one month from the original class.
    *Bad weather arrangement is applicable within 2 hours before class:
    All classes are suspended, and make-up classes will be arranged – Prediction of Typhoon Signal No. 8/ Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm Signal;
    Class as usual: Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3, Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal.

  11. If participant needs to take sick leave, notification must be made no later than the class. Doctor's note issued by a registered medical office is required to present in order to issue a make-up class. Otherwise, participant will be regarded as absent from the class and the class will NOT be rescheduled. Other participant(s) who register the class with the sick person CANNOT reschedule the class, and the class that has been reserved will be held as scheduled. Please refer to the procedures 9 for the rescheduling of the make-up class.

  12. Beginner Program CANNOT be upgraded to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) or Share Passes by paying the price difference.

  13. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Beginner Program purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  14. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  15. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  16. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  17. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Beginner Program at any time without prior notice.

  18. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Beginner Program participant. Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

Class Terms and Conditions

  1. Participants are kindly requested to attend on time. Students who are late will not receive extra time.

  2. If the participant has any disease or injury that is not suitable for climbing, please evaluate whether it is suitable for the student to participate in the relevant class, or consult the staff for reference. The museum is not responsible for concealment or symptoms, and reserves the right to refuse students to enter the hall.

  3. All equipment or facilities in the gym should be compensated according to the price if the damage is caused by human negligence or by intention.

  4. Participant must take good care of his/her personal belongings and wear appropriate attire for class. The gym is not responsible for any accident. 

  5. For safety reasons, participant should follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.

  6. If the instructor believes that a student has engaged in intolerable behavior, including but not limited to nuisance to other people, present physical harm to others, use of words or actions that may be offensive or annoying, or indecent behavior, the gym reserves the right to ask the participant to leave or terminate the participant’s entire course. In this case, the participant will not receive any refund or other arrangement.

Group Experience Program

Group Experience Program T&C

  1. 如欲參加「團體體驗課程」(“團體班”)必須先預約時間。可於本館接待處開放時間內查詢 (星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分);亦可WhatsApp/Singal (6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox查詢及預約時間,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  2. 團體班每班最少十人成班。如參加團體班人士(“參加者”)多於十人,每位須額外收費,價錢請參考本館價目表及與職員聯絡查詢。如參加者少於十人,建議參加新手入門班(每班最少二人,最多四人)。

  3. 團體班為時一小時。參加者將會學習基本攀爬技巧及安全指引,上課全程會有導師在旁指引。

  4. 團體班可預約之時段為:星期一至五–下午3時正至4時正;下午4時正至5時正;下午5時正至6時正;

  5. 團體班參加者會獲贈即日入場日票一張*,可於下課後留在本館繼續攀爬並使用各項設施直至當日閉館(本館營業時間:星期一至五–下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期–上午10時至下午8時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布),惟沒有導師在旁指引,參加者須自行照顧自身安全。

  6. 參加者下課後可於入場攀爬當日中途離場再入場,次數不限,惟進出場館請告知接待處職員。

  7. 團體班已包括攀石鞋租借,無須額外付款。

  8. 團體班未能指定教練,敬請留意。

  9. 團體班一經預約及完成交易,任何情況下均不可退款

  10. 已預約的團體班如需改期,請於上課最少三天前聯絡我們,否則不接受改期。改期必須改為原本課堂計起的一個月內

  11. 如參加者須請病假,須在不遲於上課當天通知我們申請病假,並發送由註冊醫務所發出之醫生紙,方可獲發補堂,否則將被視作缺席課堂,課堂將不獲改期。本來與病假者一起上課之參加者不可獲改期上課,已預約之課堂將如期舉行。補堂改期請參考本細則第9條。

  12. 參加者不可支付差價,將團體班班門票升級至會籍或改購成為共享票(Share Passes)。

  13. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買團體班不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  14. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  15. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  16. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  17. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於團體班之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  18. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買團體班者之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。


  1. 敬請學員準時出席,遲到學員並不會獲得補時。 

  2. 學員如有任何不宜於攀石之疾病或傷患,請學員自行評估是否適合參加相關課堂,或向員工諮詢參考。若隱瞞或出現症狀,本館恕不負責,並有權拒絕學員進場上堂。

  3. 所有場地內之工具或設施如因人為疏忽或故意損壞,須照價賠償。

  4. 學員必須妥善保管自己的個人財物,及需穿着合適的衣著上課。若發生任何意外,本館恕不負責。 

  5. 為安全起見,學員在任何時候都應遵守課程導師的指示。

  6. 若課程導師認為有學員作出令人無法容忍的行為,包括但不限於對其他在場人士作出滋擾、對其他人造成身體上的傷害、使用可能令人厭惡或煩擾的言語或動作、或作出不雅的行為,本館有權請該學員離開或終止該學員的整個課程。在這種情況下,該學員將不會獲得任何退款或其他安排。 

  1. Group Experience Program participants must make appointment with The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) in advance. Bookings and inquiries can be made during the opening hours of the reception (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.) in-person, or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If guest has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:

  2. At least 10 persons are required to join for the Group Experience Program. If there are more than 10 participants in a group, an additional fee will be charged for each additional person. Please refer to the gym’s price list and contact the staff for pricing inquiry. If the number of participants is less than 10, it is recommended to join the ‘Beginner Program’ (minimum 2, maximum 4 persons per class).

  3. Group Experience Program is a 1 hour class. Participants will learn basic climbing skills and safety guidelines. Instructors will guide all participants throughout the class.

  4. Group Experience Program can be reserved at: Monday to Friday – 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.;
    Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    If there are special business hours, the gym will inform the participants separately.

  5. Participants will get a day pass* and are able to stay in the gym after class to continue climbing and use facilities until closing time on the visit day (the opening hours of the gym: Monday to Friday – 2:00 pm to 10:30 pm; Saturday, Sunday and public holidays – 10:00 am to 10:00 pm 8:00 p.m.; special opening hours will be announced on Facebook and Instagram of the gym), but there will be no instructor to guide, and participants must take care of themselves for self-climbing.
    *This day pass CANNOT be used before the class. It will be activated after the class.

  6. Participants are able to exit and re-enter the gym anytime during the visit day. Please inform the reception staffs while exiting and re-entering the gym.

  7. Climbing shoes rental is included in the Beginner Program at no additional cost.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  8. Designated instructor is NOT available.

  9. Once the Group Experience Program is booked and the transaction is completed, NO REFUND will be given under any circumstances.

  10. If the reserved Group Experience Program needs to be rescheduled, please contact us at least three days before the class, otherwise rescheduling will NOT be accepted. The date of the reschedule class must be made within one month of the original class.
    In case of special circumstances, such as bad weather*, the gym must be closed due to the government's epidemic prevention measures, etc., the gym will discuss with the participants about rescheduling according to the actual situation, but in general, rescheduling can only be changed to within one month from the original class.
    *Bad weather arrangement is applicable within 2 hours before class:
    All classes are suspended, and make-up classes will be arranged – Prediction of Typhoon Signal No. 8/ Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm Signal;
    Class as usual: Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3, Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal.

  11. If participant needs to take sick leave, notification must be made no later than the class. Doctor's note issued by a registered medical office is required to present in order to issue a make-up class. Otherwise, participant will be regarded as absent from the class and the class will NOT be rescheduled. Other participant(s) who register the class with the sick person CANNOT reschedule the class, and the class that has been reserved will be held as scheduled. Please refer to the procedures 9 for the rescheduling of the make-up class.

  12. Group Experience Program CANNOT be upgraded to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) or Share Passes by paying the price difference.

  13. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Group Experience Program purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  14. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  15. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  16. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  17. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Group Experience Program at any time without prior notice.

  18. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Group Experience Program participant. Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

Class Terms and Conditions

  1. Participants are kindly requested to attend on time. Students who are late will NOT receive extra time.

  2. If the participant has any disease or injury that is not suitable for climbing, please evaluate whether it is suitable for the student to participate in the relevant class, or consult the staff for reference. The museum is not responsible for concealment or symptoms, and reserves the right to refuse students to enter the hall.

  3. All equipment or facilities in the gym should be compensated according to the price if the damage is caused by human negligence or by intention.

  4. Participant must take good care of his/her personal belongings and wear appropriate attire for class. The gym is not responsible for any accident. 

  5. For safety reasons, participant should follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.

  6. If the instructor believes that a student has engaged in intolerable behavior, including but not limited to nuisance to other people, present physical harm to others, use of words or actions that may be offensive or annoying, or indecent behavior, the gym reserves the right to ask the participant to leave or terminate the participant’s entire course. In this case, the participant will not receive any refund or other arrangement.

One To One Program

One To One Program T&C

  1. 如欲參加「一對一課堂」必須先預約時間。可於本館接待處開放時間內查詢(星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分);亦可WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox查詢及預約時間,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  2. 一對一課堂適用於成年人及4歲或以上兒童及青少年。

  3. 一對一課堂只限一位導師對一位學員。如參加者有二人或以上,建議參加新手入門班,惟新手入門班每班最多四人,參加者有機會與其他人同班。

  4. 一對一課堂每堂為時一小時。上課全程會有導師在旁指引,導師會根據學員的攀爬能力,為學員制定學習內容。

  5. 一對一課堂可預約之時段為:星期一至五–下午3時正至4時正;下午4時正至5時正;下午5時正至6時正;

  6. 若一次性報名多於5堂課的一對一課堂,可享有折扣優惠:

  7. 一對一課堂具有效期:

  8. 一對一課堂學員(“學員”)下課後不可留在本館繼續攀爬。如學員欲於課堂完結後繼續攀爬,須另付日票留場,並不會有導師在旁指引,學員(家長/監護人)須自行注意自身(小朋友)及其他客人的安全。

  9. 一對一課堂不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每次、每對須付港幣$40。

  10. 完成報名程序及交易後,學員可親臨接待處/WhatsApp/Singal/Facebook/Instagram Inbox預約上課時間。報讀多於一堂課的學員可一次性預約全部課堂,又或分開每次去預約課堂(建議於課堂前三天預約以增加成功預約之機率,否則不一定能成功預約想上的課堂)。

  11. 一對一課堂未能指定教練,敬請留意。

  12. 一對一課堂一經預約及完成交易,任何情況下均不可退款

  13. 已預約的課堂如需改期(須請事假),請於上該課堂最少三天前聯絡我們申請,方可預約補堂,否則不接受改期。沒有聯絡本館/無任何原因下缺席之學員,將被視為自願放棄該課堂,並不獲補堂或退還學費,本館亦不會額外通知學員。

  14. 如學員須請病假,須在不遲於上課當天通知我們申請病假,並發送由註冊醫務所發出之醫生紙,方可獲發補堂,否則將被視作缺席課堂,課堂將不獲補堂或退還學費,本館亦不會額外通知學員。

  15. 如有特殊情況,例如惡劣天氣*、因應政府之防疫措施而須全館閉館等原因,課堂的有效期可按情況而被延長;本館會按實際情況再與學員商討改期事宜,惟一般情況下課堂最後有效期會根據實際情況而被順延。
    - 如天文台發出3號或以下熱帶氣旋警告或黃色暴雨警告,當日之課堂將會如常進行。
    - 如天文台於課堂前2小時發出8號或以上颱風警告或紅色或黑色暴雨警告,該課堂將會取消。本館會以WhatsApp形式通知學員,並為當日之課堂將安排補堂。
    - 如於上課期間發出8號或以上颱風警告或或紅色黑色暴雨警告,已開始的課堂將會繼續進行,學員可等待至天氣情況許可下自行離開。

  16. 學員不可支付差價,將一對一課堂升級至會籍或改購成為共享票 (Share Passes)。

  17. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買一對一課堂不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  18. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  19. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  20. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  21. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於一對一課堂之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  22. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買一對一課堂者之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。


  1. 敬請學員準時出席,遲到學員並不會獲得補時。 

  2. 學員如有任何不宜於攀石之疾病或傷患,請學員(家長/監護人)自行評估是否適合參加相關課堂,或向員工諮詢參考。若隱瞞或出現症狀,本館恕不負責,並有權拒絕學員進場上堂。

  3. 所有場地內之工具或設施如因人為疏忽或故意損壞,須照價賠償。

  4. 學員(及家長/監護人)必須妥善保管自己的個人財物,學員需穿着合適的衣著上課。若發生任何意外,本館恕不負責。 

  5. 為安全起見,學員在任何時候都應遵守課程導師的指示。

  6. 學員只能在課堂期間及教練指定活動範圍內攀爬,以確保自己及其他攀爬者之安全。 

  7. 若課程導師認為有學員作出令人無法容忍的行為,包括但不限於對其他在場人士作出滋擾、對其他人造成身體上的傷害、使用可能令人厭惡或煩擾的言語或動作、或作出不雅的行為,本館有權請該學員離開或終止該學員的整個課程。在這種情況下,該學員將不會獲得任何退款或其他安排。 

  1. One To One Program participant must make appointment with The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) in advance. Bookings and inquiries can be made during the opening hours of the reception (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.) in-person, or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If guest has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:

  2. One To One Program is available for adults, teens and children aged 4 or above.

  3. One To One Program is limited to 1 tutor and1 student. If there are 2 or more participants, it is recommended to join the ‘Beginner Program’ (Yet each class has a maximum of 4 students, and participants have the opportunity to share the class with others).

  4. One To One Program takes 1 hour for each lesson. The instructor will guide student throughout the class. Learning content for student will be formulated by instructor according to the students' climbing ability.

  5. One To One Program can be reserved at: Monday to Friday – 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.;
    Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    If there are special business hours, the gym will inform the participants separately.

  6. Discounts are available for One To One Program with more than 5 classes registered at one time:
    One-time registration for 5 lessons (up to 9 lessons): 10% discount on the total amount
    One-time registration for 10 lessons (up to 19 lessons): 15% discount on the total amount
    One-time registration for 20 lessons (or more): 20% discount on the total amount

  7. Validity period for One To One Program:
    One-time registration for 1 class (up to 4 classes): valid for 1 month from the date of purchase
    One-time registration for 5 classes (up to 9 classes): Valid for 2 months from the first class
    One-time registration for 10 classes (to 19 classes): Valid for 4 months from the first class
    One-time registration for 20 classes (or more): valid for 6 months from the first class
    The last valid date of all lessons will be informed to the student (Parent/Guardian) by staff at the gym. The student (Parent/Guardian) shall note the date on his/her own. For any inquiries, please contact us in-gym or via text.

  8. One To One Program student is NOT allowed to stay in the gym to continue climbing after class. If student want to continue climbing after the class, an additional Day Pass is required to purchase. Please note that and there will be no instructor for guiding. Student (parents/guardian) must take care of their own (children) and other guests' safety.

  9. One To One Program does NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.
    If student already has rock climbing shoes, it is welcome to bring his/her own to wear.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  10. After completing the registration process and transaction, student (parents/guardian) can visit the reception/WhatsApp/Singal/Facebook/Instagram Inbox to make an appointment for class time. Student who enroll in more than 1 class can book all classes at one time, or book each class separately (it is recommended to make an appointment three days before the class to increase the chance of a successful appointment, otherwise it may not be possible to successfully reserve the class they want to attend).

  11. Designated instructor is NOT available.

  12. Once the One To One Program is booked and the transaction is completed, NO REFUND will be given under any circumstances.

  13. If the reserved One To One Program needs to be rescheduled (i.e. Personal Leave), please contact us at least three days before the class, otherwise rescheduling will NOT be accepted. Student who do not contact the gym or are absent without any reason will be deemed to have given up the class voluntarily, and will NOT receive a make-up class or refund the tuition fee, and the gym will NOT notify the students additionally.
    Please note: The class validity period will NOT be postponed due to the student applying for personal leave; make-up classes must be reserved within the class validity period.

  14. If student needs to take sick leave, notification must be made to the gym no later than the class. Doctor's note issued by a registered medical office is required to present in order to issue a make-up class. Otherwise, participant will be regarded as absent from the class and the class will NOT be rescheduled, and the gym will NOT notify the student additionally.
    Please note: The class validity period will NOT be postponed due to the student applying for personal leave; make-up classes must be reserved within the class validity period.

  15. In case of special circumstances, such as bad weather*, the gym must be closed due to the government's epidemic prevention measures, etc., the gym will discuss with the participant about rescheduling according to the actual situation, In general, the validity period will be extended according to the actual situation.
    *Bad weather arrangement is applicable within 2 hours before class:
    All classes are suspended, and make-up classes will be arranged – Prediction of Typhoon Signal No. 8/ Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm Signal;
    Class as usual: Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3, Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal.

  16. One To One Program CANNOT be upgraded to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) or Share Passes by paying the price difference.

  17. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Group Experience Program purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  18. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  19. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  20. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  21. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the One To One Program at any time without prior notice.

  22. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the One To One Program participant. Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

Class Terms and Conditions

  1. Students are kindly requested to attend on time. Students who are late will NOT receive extra time.

  2. If the student has any disease or injury that is not suitable for climbing, please evaluate whether it is suitable for the student to participate in the relevant class, or consult the staff for reference. The gym is not responsible for concealment or symptoms, and reserves the right to refuse students to enter the hall.

  3. All equipment or facilities in the gym should be compensated according to the price if the damage is caused by human negligence or by intention.

  4. Student must take good care of his/her personal belongings and wear appropriate attire for class. The gym is not responsible for any accident. 

  5. For safety reasons, student should follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.

  6. Students can only climb during the class and within the range of activities designated by the instructor to ensure the safety of themselves and other climbers.

  7. If the instructor believes that a student has engaged in intolerable behavior, including but not limited to nuisance to other people, present physical harm to others, use of words or actions that may be offensive or annoying, or indecent behavior, the gym reserves the right to ask the participant to leave or terminate the participant’s entire course. In this case, the participant will not receive any refund or other arrangement.

Kids Climbing Regular Classes

Kids Climbing Regular Classes T&C


  1. 欲報名兒童攀石恆常班之家長/監護人可於本館接待處開放時間內報名(星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分前);亦可WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox報名,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  2. 兒童攀石恆常班只接受4至12歲小朋友報名。3至4歲以下學童須先參加「兒童攀石試堂」以嘗試攀爬,於試堂後被教練批准後才可報讀兒童攀石恆常班。

  3. 兒童攀石恆常班可選擇4、8或12堂課。4堂課有效期為1個月,8堂課為2個月,12堂課為3個月;2022年兒童暑期攀石恆常班可選擇5、10、15或20堂課。5堂課有效期為5星期,10堂課為10星期,15堂課為15星期,20堂課為20星期。

  4. 參加「兒童攀石試堂」之學員若於試堂當天、本館接待處開放時間內*報讀兒童攀石恆常班,可扣回試堂費用港幣$100。家長/監護人可親臨接待處/WhatsApp/Singal/Facebook/Instagram Inbox報名。

  5. 完成報名程序及交易後,已購買的課堂在任何情況下均不可退款,名額亦不可轉讓 (Share課堂計劃除外)及不可轉售他人

  6. 完成報名程序及交易後,家長/監護人可為小朋友預約上課時間。課堂名額採用先到先得制,以WhatsApp或Signal(6380 0112)確認為準,額滿即止。建議於課堂前三天預約以增加成功預約之機率,否則不一定能成功預約想上的課堂。家長/監護人亦可一次性為小朋友預約全部4/8/12堂課。

  7. 兒童攀石恆常班可預約之時段為:星期一至五–下午3時正至4時正;下午4時正至5時正;下午5時正至6時正;

  8. 只有已付款之課堂才可預約上課時間,恕不接受未繳付課堂費用之預約留位

  9. 兒童攀石恆常班每班最多四人。已預約上課的小朋友有機會與其他小朋友同班,並有機會與「兒童攀石試堂」之學員同班。如家長/監護人不希望小朋友與他人一同上課,建議參加「一對一課堂」。

  10. 兒童攀石恆常班為時一小時。上課全程會有導師在旁指引,導師會根據學員的攀爬能力,為學員制定學習內容,包括進行頂繩攀爬或抱石。

  11. 兒童攀石恆常班學員下課後不可留在本館繼續攀爬。如學員欲於課堂完結後繼續攀爬,須另付日票留場,並不會有導師在旁指引,家長/監護人須自行注意學員及其他客人的安全。

  12. 兒童攀石恆常班不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每次、每對須付港幣$40。


  13. 已成功報讀兒童攀石恆常班之學員可以優惠價港幣$366(原價後已八折)購買一對全新攀石鞋(指定品牌,如欲了解更多請向本館職員查詢),惟本館未必可提供所有尺碼,欲購買全新攀石鞋者請先向本館職員查詢。如本館未能提供合適尺碼之全新攀石鞋,而學員不想租借攀石鞋、想擁有全新攀石鞋,請自行購買,本館歡迎學員自備攀石鞋。

  14. 兒童攀石恆常班未能指定教練,敬請留意。

  15. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買兒童攀石恆常班不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  16. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。


  1. 敬請學員準時出席,遲到學員並不會獲得補時。 

  2. 學員如有任何不宜於攀石之疾病或傷患,請家長/監護人自行評估是否適合參加相關課堂,或向員工諮詢參考。若隱瞞或出現症狀,本館恕不負責,並有權拒絕學員進場上堂。

  3. 所有場地內之工具或設施如因人為疏忽或故意損壞,須照價賠償。

  4. 家長/監護人及學員必須妥善保管自己的個人財物,學員需穿着合適的衣著上課。若發生任何意外,本館恕不負責。 

  5. 為安全起見,學員在任何時候都應遵守課程導師的指示。

  6. 學員只能在課堂期間及教練指定活動範圍內攀爬,以確保自己及其他學員之安全。 

  7. 若課程導師認為有學員作出令人無法容忍的行為,包括但不限於對其他在場人士作出滋擾、對其他人造成身體上的傷害、使用可能令人厭惡或煩擾的言語或動作、或作出不雅的行為,本館有權請該學員離開或終止該學員的整個課程。在這種情況下,該學員將不會獲得任何退款或其他安排。 


  1. 已預約的課堂如需改期(需請事假),請於上該課堂最少三天前聯絡我們申請,方可預約補堂,否則不接受改期。沒有聯絡本館/無任何原因下缺席之學員,將被視為自願放棄該課堂,並不獲補堂或退還學費,本館亦不會額外通知家長/監護人。

  2. 如學員須請病假,須在不遲於上課當天通知我們申請病假,並發送由註冊醫務所發出之醫生紙,方可獲發補堂,否則將被視作缺席課堂,課堂將不獲補堂或退還學費,本館亦不會額外通知家長/監護人。

  3. 如有特殊情況,例如惡劣天氣*、因應政府之防疫措施而須全館閉館等原因,課堂的有效期可按情況而被延長;課堂改期可不限於改為原本課堂的有效期。本館會按實際情況再與家長/監護人商討改期事宜,惟一般情況下課堂最後有效期會根據實際情況而被順延。


  1. 如天文台發出3號或以下熱帶氣旋警告或黃色暴雨警告,當日之課堂將會如常進行。

  2. 如天文台於課堂前2小時發出8號或以上颱風警告或紅色或黑色暴雨警告,該課堂將會取消。本館會以WhatsApp形式通知學員家長,並為當日之課堂將安排補堂。 

  3. 如於上課期間發出8號或以上颱風警告或或紅色黑色暴雨警告,已開始的課堂將會繼續進行,學員及家長/監護人可等待至天氣情況許可下自行離開。 


  1. 學員報讀前須填寫免責聲明。

  2. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  3. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  4. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於兒童攀石恆常班之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  5. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買兒童攀石恆常班之家長/監護人之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。

Registration Instructions

  1. Kids Climbing Regular Classes (“Kids Class(es)”) can be enrolled during the opening hours at the reception of The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.); or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If kid has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:
    **For kid without any climbing experience, we strongly recommend attending the ‘Kids Climbing Trial Lesson’ first to try on climbing. Parent/guardian can evaluate whether to allow their children to enroll in the Kids Classes through the trial lesson.

  2. Kids Classes only accept children from 4 to 12 years old to sign up. Children aged 3 to 4 must first participate in the ‘Kids Climbing Trial Lesson’ to try climbing. After the test, they can enroll in the Kids Classes after being approved by the coach.

  3. Children can enroll in 4/8/12 Kids Regular Classes. 4 classes are valid for 1 month, 8 classes are valid for 2 months, 12 classes are valid for 3 months;
    For 2022 Kids Climbing Summer Courses, there are 5/10/15/20 Classes. 5 classes are valid for 5 weeks, 10 classes are valid for 10 weeks, 15 classes are valid for 15 weeks, 20 classes are valid for 20 weeks.
    The validity period starts from the first lesson. The last valid date of all lessons will be informed to parent/guardian by staff at the gym. Parent/guardian shall note the date on his/her own. For any inquiries, please contact us in-gym or via text.

  4. Student who participate in the ‘Kids Climbing Trial Lesson’ could be deducted HK$100 of the lesson fee if they enroll in the regular children's rock climbing class on the lesson day, during the opening hours of the reception desk*. Parent/guardian can register at reception/WhatsApp/Singal/Facebook/Instagram Inbox.
    If enrollment is intended to be made after the reception has finished working, or after the day of the trial lesson, the deduction will not be processed.
    *Please refer to procedures 1.

  5. After completing the registration process and transaction, the purchased class(es) is(are) non-refundable under any circumstances, and the quota is non-transferable (except for the Share class plan) and CANNOT be resold to others.

  6. After completing the registration process and transaction, parent/guardian can make an appointment for their child's classes. Class quota is on a first-come, first-served basis, subject to confirmation by WhatsApp or Signal (6380 0112), while the quota is available. It is recommended to make an appointment three days before the class to increase the chance of a successful appointment, otherwise it may not be possible to successfully reserve the class you want to attend. Parent/guardian can also book all 4/8/12 classes for their children at one time.

  7. Kids Classes can be reserved at: Monday to Friday – 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.;
    Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    If there are special business hours, the gym will inform the participants separately.

  8. Kids Classes can only be reserved after purchase. Reservations for unpaid classes will not be accepted.

  9. Kids Classes is limited to 1 tutor and 4 students. Child who has made an appointment for a class will possibly be in the same class with other children, also with the students from the ‘Kids Climbing Trial Lesson’. If parents/guardians do not want their child to attend classes with others, it is recommended to participate in ‘One To One Program’.

  10. Kids Classes take 1 hour for each lesson. The instructor will guide student throughout the class. Learning content for student will be formulated by instructor according to the students' climbing ability, including the decision of top rope climbing or bouldering.

  11. Kids Classes student is NOT allowed to stay in the gym to continue climbing after class. If student want to continue climbing after the class, an additional Day Pass is required to purchase. Please note that and there will be NO instructor for guiding. Student (parent/guardian) must take care of their own (children) and other guests' safety.

  12. Kids Classes do NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.
    If student already has rock climbing shoes, it is welcome to bring his/her own to wear.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  13. Student who has successfully enrolled in the Kid’s Class can purchase a pair of new rock climbing shoes (designated brands only, please contact our staff for more information) at a discounted price of HK$366 (20% off the original price), but the gym may not provide all sizes. If student wants to buy new rock climbing shoes, please check with our staff first. If the gym cannot provide new rock climbing shoes of suitable size, and student do not want to rent rock climbing shoes or want to own new rock climbing shoes, please purchase them on your own. Students are welcome to bring their own rock climbing shoes.

  14. Designated instructor is NOT available.

  15. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Kids Classes purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  16. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

Class Terms and Conditions

  1. Students are kindly requested to attend on time. Students who are late will NOT receive extra time.

  2. If the student has any disease or injury that is not suitable for climbing, please evaluate whether it is suitable for the student to participate in the relevant class, or consult the staff for reference. The gym is not responsible for concealment or symptoms, and reserves the right to refuse students to enter the hall.

  3. All equipment or facilities in the gym should be compensated according to the price if the damage is caused by human negligence or by intention.

  4. Student must take good care of his/her personal belongings and wear appropriate attire for class. The gym is not responsible for any accident. 

  5. For safety reasons, student should follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.

  6. Students can only climb during the class and within the range of activities designated by the instructor to ensure the safety of themselves and other climbers.

  7. If the instructor believes that a student has engaged in intolerable behavior, including but not limited to nuisance to other people, present physical harm to others, use of words or actions that may be offensive or annoying, or indecent behavior, the gym reserves the right to ask the participant to leave or terminate the participant’s entire course. In this case, the participant will not receive any refund or other arrangement.

Leave Arrangement and Make-up Classes

  1. If the reserved lesson needs to be rescheduled (i.e. Personal Leave), please contact us at least three days before the class, otherwise rescheduling will NOT be accepted. Student who do not contact the gym or are absent without any reason will be deemed to have given up the class voluntarily, and will NOT receive a make-up class or refund the tuition fee, and the gym will not notify the students additionally.
    Please note: The class validity period will NOT be postponed due to the student applying for personal leave; make-up classes must be reserved within the class validity period.

  2. If student needs to take sick leave, notification must be made to the gym no later than the class. Doctor's note issued by a registered medical office is required to present in order to issue a make-up class. Otherwise, student will be regarded as absent from the class and the class will NOT be rescheduled, and the gym will NOT notify the student additionally.
    Please note: The class validity period will NOT be postponed due to the student applying for personal leave; make-up classes must be reserved within the class validity period.

  3. In case of special circumstances, such as bad weather*, the gym must be closed due to the government's epidemic prevention measures, etc., the gym will discuss with the participant about rescheduling according to the actual situation, In general, the validity period will be extended according to the actual situation.
    *Please refer to the ‘Bad weather arrangement’ section 

Bad weather arrangement

  1. If the Observatory issues Typhoon Singal No. 3 or below or Amber Rainstorm Warning, classes on that day will continue as usual.

  2. If the Observatory issues Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Red or Black Rainstorm Warning 2 hours before the class, the class will be cancelled. The gym will notify the parents/guardians of the students via WhatsApp and arrange make-up classes for the class on that day.

  3. If Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or a red and black rainstorm warning is issued during the class, the class that has already started will continue, and students and parents/guardians can wait until weather conditions permit to leave on their own.

General Terms and Conditions

  1. Students must fill in a disclaimer before enrolling.

  2. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  3. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  4. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Kids Classes at any time without prior notice.

  5. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Kids Class student (Parent/guardian). Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

Kids Climbing Trial Lesson

Kids Climbing Trial Lesson T&C

  1. 如欲參加「兒童攀石試堂」必須先預約時間。可於本館接待處開放時間內查詢(星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分);亦可WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox查詢及預約時間,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  2. 兒童攀石試堂只接受4至12歲小朋友報名。3至4歲以下學童之家長/監護人可自行衡量小朋友能力(如:肌肉強度、聽從指令、分辨左右及方向的能力等)再決定是否讓小朋友報名試堂,嘗試攀爬。

  3. 兒童攀石試堂每班最多四人。已預約上課的小朋友有機會與其他小朋友同班,並有機會與「兒童攀石恆常班」之學員同班。如家長/監護人不希望小朋友與他人一同上課,建議參加「一對一課堂」。

  4. 兒童攀石試堂為時一小時。上課全程會有導師在旁指引,導師會根據學員的攀爬能力,為學員制定學習內容,包括進行頂繩攀爬或抱石。

  5. 兒童攀石試堂可預約之時段為:星期一至五–下午3時正至4時正;下午4時正至5時正;下午5時正至6時正;

  6. 兒童攀石試堂學員(“學員”)下課後不可留在本館繼續攀爬。如學員欲於課堂完結後繼續攀爬,須另付日票留場,並不會有導師在旁指引,家長/監護人須自行注意學員及其他客人的安全。

  7. 兒童攀石試堂不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每次、每對須付港幣$40。

  8. 兒童攀石試堂一經預約及完成交易,任何情況下均不可退款

  9. 已預約的兒童攀石試堂如需改期,請於上課最少三天前聯絡我們,否則不接受改期。改期必須改為原本課堂計起的一個月內。

  10. 如學員須請病假,須在不遲於上課當天通知我們申請病假,並發送由註冊醫務所發出之醫生紙,方可獲發補堂,否則將被視作缺席課堂,課堂將不獲改期。補堂改期請參考本細則第9條。

  11. 學員若於試堂當天、本館接待處開放時間內*報讀兒童攀石恆常班,可扣回試堂費用港幣$100。家長/監護人可親臨接待處/WhatsApp/Singal/Facebook/Instagram Inbox報名。

  12. 家長/監護人不可支付差價,將兒童攀石試堂升級至會籍或改購成為共享票(Share Passes)。

  13. 兒童攀石試堂未能指定教練,敬請留意。

  14. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買兒童攀石試堂不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  15. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  16. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  17. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  18. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於兒童攀石試堂之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  19. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買兒童攀石試堂之家長/監護人之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。


  1. 敬請學員準時出席,遲到學員並不會獲得補時。 

  2. 學員如有任何不宜於攀石之疾病或傷患,請家長/監護人自行評估是否適合參加相關課堂,或向員工諮詢參考。若隱瞞或出現症狀,本館恕不負責,並有權拒絕學員進場上堂。

  3. 所有場地內之工具或設施如因人為疏忽或故意損壞,須照價賠償。

  4. 家長/監護人及學員必須妥善保管自己的個人財物,學員需穿着合適的衣著上課。若發生任何意外,本館恕不負責。 

  5. 為安全起見,學員在任何時候都應遵守課程導師的指示。

  6. 學員只能在課堂期間及教練指定活動範圍內攀爬,以確保自己及其他學員之安全。 

  7. 若課程導師認為有學員作出令人無法容忍的行為,包括但不限於對其他在場人士作出滋擾、對其他人造成身體上的傷害、使用可能令人厭惡或煩擾的言語或動作、或作出不雅的行為,本館有權請該學員離開或終止該學員的整個課程。在這種情況下,該學員將不會獲得任何退款或其他安排。

  1. Kids Climbing Trial Lesson (“Trial Lesson”) can be enrolled during the opening hours at the reception of The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.); or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If kid has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:

  2. Trial Lesson only accepts children from 4 to 12 years old to sign up. Parent/guardian of children aged 3 to 4 years old can measure their children's abilities (such as muscle strength, ability of obeying instructions, distinguishing left and right and direction, etc.)

  3. Trial Lesson is limited to 1 tutor and 4 students. Child who has made an appointment for a class will possibly be in the same class with other children, also with the students from the ‘Kids Climbing Regular Classes’. If parent/guardian do not want their child to attend classes with others, it is recommended to participate in ‘One To One Program’.

  4. Trial Lesson takes 1 hour for each lesson. The instructor will guide student throughout the class. Learning content for student will be formulated by instructor according to the students' climbing ability, including the decision of top rope climbing or bouldering.

  5. Trial Lesson can be reserved at: Monday to Friday – 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.;
    Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    If there are special business hours, the gym will inform the parents/guardians separately.

  6. Trial Lesson student is NOT allowed to stay in the gym to continue climbing after class. If student want to continue climbing after the class, an additional Day Pass is required to purchase. Please note that and there will be no instructor for guiding. Student (parent/guardian) must take care of their own (children) and other guests' safety.

  7. Kids Classes do NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.
    If student already has rock climbing shoes, it is welcome to bring his/her own to wear.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  8. After completing the registration process and transaction, the purchased trial lesson is non-refundable under any circumstances.

  9. If the reserved Trial Lesson needs to be rescheduled, please contact us at least three days before the class, otherwise rescheduling will NOT be accepted. The date of the reschedule class must be made within one month of the original class.
    In case of special circumstances, such as bad weather*, the gym must be closed due to the government's epidemic prevention measures, etc., the gym will discuss with the participants about rescheduling according to the actual situation, but in general, rescheduling can only be changed to within one month from the original class.
    *Bad weather arrangement is applicable within 2 hours before class:
    All classes are suspended, and make-up classes will be arranged – Prediction of Typhoon Signal No. 8/ Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm Signal;
    Class as usual: Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3, Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal.

  10. If student needs to take sick leave, notification must be made no later than the class. Doctor's note issued by a registered medical office is required to present in order to issue a make-up class. Otherwise, student will be regarded as absent from the class and the class will NOT be rescheduled. Please refer to the procedures 9 for the rescheduling of the make-up class.

  11. Trial Lesson student could be deducted HK$100 of the lesson fee if he/she enrolls in the ‘Kids Climbing Regular Classes’ on the lesson day, during the opening hours of the reception desk*. Parents/guardians can register at reception/WhatsApp/Singal/Facebook/Instagram Inbox.
    If enrollment is intended to be made after the reception has finished working, or after the day of the trial lesson, the deduction will not be processed.
    *Please refer to procedures 1.

  12. Trial Lesson CANNOT be upgraded to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) or Share Passes by paying the price difference.

  13. Designated instructor is NOT available.

  14. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Trial Lesson purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  15. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  16. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  17. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  18. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Trial Lesson at any time without prior notice.

  19. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Trial Lesson student (parent/guardian). Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

Class Terms and Conditions

  1. Students are kindly requested to attend on time. Students who are late will NOT receive extra time.

  2. If the student has any disease or injury that is not suitable for climbing, please evaluate whether it is suitable for the student to participate in the relevant class, or consult the staff for reference. The gym is not responsible for concealment or symptoms, and reserves the right to refuse students to enter the hall.

  3. All equipment or facilities in the gym should be compensated according to the price if the damage is caused by human negligence or by intention.

  4. Student must take good care of his/her personal belongings and wear appropriate attire for class. The gym is not responsible for any accident. 

  5. For safety reasons, student should follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.

  6. Students can only climb during the class and within the range of activities designated by the instructor to ensure the safety of themselves and other climbers.

  7. If the instructor believes that a student has engaged in intolerable behavior, including but not limited to nuisance to other people, present physical harm to others, use of words or actions that may be offensive or annoying, or indecent behavior, the gym reserves the right to ask the participant to leave or terminate the participant’s entire course. In this case, the participant will not receive any refund or other arrangement.

Player Monkey

Player Monkey T&C
Player Monkey 條款及細則

  1. 如欲參加「Player Monkey」必須先預約時間。可於本館接待處開放時間內查詢(星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時30分);亦可WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox查詢及預約時間,惟付款方式只限於Payme/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。
    *如欲參加Player Monkey者未曾到訪本館,請先填妥個人資料及免責聲明:

  2. Player Monkey只接受4至12歲小朋友報名。如欲參加本課程,須先得到導師推薦方可報名。

  3. Player Monkey每班最多四人。已預約上課的小朋友有機會與其他小朋友同班。如家長/監護人不希望小朋友與他人一同上課,建議參加「一對一課堂」。

  4. Player Monkey為時一小時。上課全程會有導師在旁指引,導師會根據學員的攀爬能力,為學員制定學習內容,包括進行抱石或訓練。

  5. Player Monkey可預約之時段為:

  6. Player Monkey學員(“學員”)下課後不可留在本館繼續攀爬。如學員欲於課堂完結後繼續攀爬,須另付日票留場,並不會有導師在旁指引,家長/監護人須自行注意學員及其他客人的安全。

  7. Player Monkey不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每次、每對須付港幣$40。

  8. Player Monkey一經預約及完成交易,任何情況下均不可退款

  9. 已預約的Player Monkey如需改期,請於上課最少三天前聯絡我們,否則不接受改期。改期必須改為原本課堂計起的一個月內。

  10. 如學員須請病假,須在不遲於上課當天通知我們申請病假,並發送由註冊醫務所發出之醫生紙,方可獲發補堂,否則將被視作缺席課堂,課堂將不獲改期。補堂改期請參考本細則第9條。

  11. 家長/監護人不可支付差價,將Player Monkey升級至會籍或改購成為共享票(Share Passes)。

  12. Player Monkey未能指定教練,敬請留意。

  13. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買Player Monkey不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  14. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  15. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  16. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  17. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於Player Monkey之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  18. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買Player Monkey之家長/監護人之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。


  1. 敬請學員準時出席,遲到學員並不會獲得補時。 

  2. 學員如有任何不宜於攀石之疾病或傷患,請家長/監護人自行評估是否適合參加相關課堂,或向員工諮詢參考。若隱瞞或出現症狀,本館恕不負責,並有權拒絕學員進場上堂。

  3. 所有場地內之工具或設施如因人為疏忽或故意損壞,須照價賠償。

  4. 家長/監護人及學員必須妥善保管自己的個人財物,學員需穿着合適的衣著上課。若發生任何意外,本館恕不負責。 

  5. 為安全起見,學員在任何時候都應遵守課程導師的指示。

  6. 學員只能在課堂期間及教練指定活動範圍內攀爬,以確保自己及其他學員之安全。 

  7. 若課程導師認為有學員作出令人無法容忍的行為,包括但不限於對其他在場人士作出滋擾、對其他人造成身體上的傷害、使用可能令人厭惡或煩擾的言語或動作、或作出不雅的行為,本館有權請該學員離開或終止該學員的整個課程。在這種情況下,該學員將不會獲得任何退款或其他安排。

  1. Player Monkey can be enrolled during the opening hours at the reception of The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.); or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).
    *If kid has not visited the gym before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:

  2. Player Monkey only accepts children from 4 to 12 years old to sign up. Instructor's referral is required for enrollment.

  3. Player Monkey is limited to 1 tutor and 4 students. Child who has made an appointment for a class will possibly be in the same class with other children. If parent/guardian do not want their child to attend classes with others, it is recommended to participate in ‘One To One Program’.

  4. Player Monkey takes 1 hour for each lesson. The instructor will guide student throughout the class. Learning content for student will be formulated by instructor according to the students' climbing ability, including the decision of bouldering or training.

  5. Player Monkey can be reserved at: 
    Saturday, Sunday: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon; 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.; 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.; 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.; 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    If there are special business hours, the gym will inform the parents/guardians separately.

  6. Player Monkey student is NOT allowed to stay in the gym to continue climbing after class. If student want to continue climbing after the class, an additional Day Pass is required to purchase. Please note that and there will be no instructor for guiding. Student (parent/guardian) must take care of their own (children) and other guests' safety.

  7. Player Monkey do NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.
    If student already has rock climbing shoes, it is welcome to bring his/her own to wear.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  8. After completing the registration process and transaction, the purchased Player Monkey is non-refundable under any circumstances.

  9. If the reserved Pleyer Monkey needs to be rescheduled, please contact us at least three days before the class, otherwise rescheduling will NOT be accepted. The date of the reschedule class must be made within one month of the original class.
    In case of special circumstances, such as bad weather*, the gym must be closed due to the government's epidemic prevention measures, etc., the gym will discuss with the participants about rescheduling according to the actual situation, but in general, rescheduling can only be changed to within one month from the original class.
    *Bad weather arrangement is applicable within 2 hours before class:
    All classes are suspended, and make-up classes will be arranged – Prediction of Typhoon Signal No. 8/ Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm Signal;
    Class as usual: Typhoon Signal No. 1 or No. 3, Amber Rainstorm Warning Signal.

  10. If student needs to take sick leave, notification must be made no later than the class. Doctor's note issued by a registered medical office is required to present in order to issue a make-up class. Otherwise, student will be regarded as absent from the class and the class will NOT be rescheduled. Please refer to the procedures 9 for the rescheduling of the make-up class.

  11. Trial Lesson CANNOT be upgraded to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) or Share Passes by paying the price difference.

  12. Designated instructor is NOT available.

  13. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Player Monkey purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts.

  14. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  15. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  16. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  17. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Trial Lesson at any time without prior notice.

  18. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Player Monkey student (parent/guardian). Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

Class Terms and Conditions

  1. Students are kindly requested to attend on time. Students who are late will NOT receive extra time.

  2. If the student has any disease or injury that is not suitable for climbing, please evaluate whether it is suitable for the student to participate in the relevant class, or consult the staff for reference. The gym is not responsible for concealment or symptoms, and reserves the right to refuse students to enter the hall.

  3. All equipment or facilities in the gym should be compensated according to the price if the damage is caused by human negligence or by intention.

  4. Student must take good care of his/her personal belongings and wear appropriate attire for class. The gym is not responsible for any accident. 

  5. For safety reasons, student should follow the instructions of the instructor at all times.

  6. Students can only climb during the class and within the range of activities designated by the instructor to ensure the safety of themselves and other climbers.

  7. If the instructor believes that a student has engaged in intolerable behavior, including but not limited to nuisance to other people, present physical harm to others, use of words or actions that may be offensive or annoying, or indecent behavior, the gym reserves the right to ask the participant to leave or terminate the participant’s entire course. In this case, the participant will not receive any refund or other arrangement.

Chill Pass

Chill Pass T&C日票條款及細則

  1. 購買及/或使用Chill Pass無須事前預約,即日購票即可。


  2. 使用Chill Pass之人士只可於指定時間內(星期一至五下午2時至7時;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午2時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布)光臨攀爬,並使用各項設施,除了不定時之定線區域、私人場合、須另付入場費用的特備活動等等,有關安排及宣布將透過本館Facebook及Instagram公布。

  3. Chill Pass只用作即日入場之用,不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每對須另付港幣$40。

  4. Chill Pass有效期只限購票當天使用。

  5. Chill Pass使用者可於入場攀爬當日指定時間內中途離場再入場,次數不限,惟進出場館請告知接待處職員。

  6. Chill Pass只限個人使用。一經購買,即使未曾使用(即未曾攀爬),均不可轉讓、退換或退款

  7. 學生Chill Pass購買者必須為25歲或以下全日制學生(本地或外地均可)。購買學生Chill Pass時須出示有效全日制學生證明文件,有關文件必須清楚列明其全日制學生身分,以及學生身分到期日(小童可出示學生手冊、或出世紙及其他附有相片之身份證明文件;中、小學生可出示學生手冊或附有相片之學生證)。

  8. Chill Pass使用者可支付差價,於入場攀爬當日到訪本館接待處將Chill Pass升級至日票或會籍 (1/3/6/12個月會員)(請注意:接待處結束工作時間為:星期一至五–晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期–晚上7時30分);或可於入場攀爬當日、上述接待處結束工作時間前,經WhatsApp/Singal(6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以升級會籍,惟付款方式只限PayMe/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。會籍開始日必須為使用者入場攀爬當日。Chill Pass於入場攀爬當日、接待處結束工作過後,或於入場攀爬當日之後,將不可升級把Chill Pass升級至日票或會籍。

  9. Chill Pass使用者不可支付差價,將Chill Pass改購成為共享票 (Share Passes)。

  10. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買Chill Pass不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  11. 本館有權隨時於以下情況取消賓客之Chill Pass資格,或暫停或中止相關的優惠,而毋須退款或作出任何賠償:
    12.1 Chill Pass及/或其優惠被用於商業目的或其他未經授權的目的而被濫用;
    12.2 Chill Pass違反或不遵守此等條款及細則,或是本館的任何條款;
    12.3 賓客作出危險、違法或無禮的行為;
    12.4 為保障安全、治安或秩序;或
    ​12.5 本館認為情況所需。

  12. 如有查詢,可致電、WhatsApp或Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  13. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

  14. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  15. 本館保留隨時修訂或補充適用於Chill Pass之條款及細則,而不作另行通知之權利。

  16. 以上條款及細則構成本館與購買Chill Pass者之間的協議。任何不屬於該協議的立約方的人士於合約(第三者權利)條例(香港法例第623章)下不享有任何權利強制執行該協議任何條款。

  1. No reservation is needed in advance to purchase and/or use a Chill Pass. You can purchase the pass per arrival.
    *If guest has not visited The Player Climbingym (“the gym”) before, please fill in personal information and waiver before entry:
    **For guests without any climbing experience, we strongly recommend attending the ‘Beginner Program’ first to learn the basic climbing skills and safety instructions.

  2. Chill Pass users can visit the gym during only the specific time slot (Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.; special opening hours will be announced through the gym’s Facebook and Instagram pages) for climbing and using facilities in-gym, except for occasional route setting areas, private events, special activities that require additional admission fees, etc. Relevant arrangements will be announced through the gyms’ Facebook and Instagram pages.

  3. Chill Pass is for on-the-day admission only upon purchase and does NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40.
    *Due to the current pandemic, chalk bags rental service has been temporarily suspended.

  4. Chill Pass is only valid for admission on the date of purchased.

  5. Chill Pass users are able to exit and re-enter the gym anytime during the specific time slot. Please inform the reception staff while exiting and re-entering the gym.

  6. Chill Pass is for personal use only. Once purchased, the pass is NOT transferable, exchangeable, or refundable, even if it has not been used.

  7. Student Chill Pass users must be full-time students aged 25 or below (both local and overseas students are permitted). A valid full-time student identification document must be presented upon purchase. The relevant documents must clearly state his/her full-time identity and the student ID expiration date (Children can present student handbook, birth certificate, and other identification documents with photos; Primary and secondary school students can present student handbook or student ID card with photo).

  8. Chill Pass user can upgrade his/her Chill Pass to Day Pass or membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) by paying the price difference on the day of climbing by visiting the reception (Please note that the closing hours of the reception are: Monday to Friday – 10:15 pm; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays – 7:30 pm); or before the closing hours of the reception on the day of climbing via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment). The start day of all upgraded memberships must be the day of visiting. Chill Pass cannot be upgraded to membership after the reception closed or after the day of visiting.

  9. Chill Pass users are NOT allowed to pay the price difference and upgrade the pass to Shared Passes.

  10. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, Chill Pass purchases cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts. 

  11. The Player Climbingym reserves the right at any time to suspend or terminate the use of any Chill Pass, or cancel related offers at any time without any refund or compensation if in its sole judgment any of the following circumstances:
    12.1 if the Chill Pass and/or its benefits are used for commercial or other unauthorised purposes;
    12.2 if the Chill Pass user violates or fails to comply with any of these terms and conditions, or any terms of the gym;
    12.3 for unsafe, illegal, or offensive behavior;
    12.4 to ensure safety, security or order; or
    12.5 if The Player Climbingym considers that the circumstances so require.

  12. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  13. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

  14. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right to any final decision.

  15. The gym reserves the right to revise or supplement the terms and conditions applicable to the Chill Pass at any time without prior notice.

  16. The above terms and conditions constitute the agreement between the gym and the Chill Pass users. Any person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under the contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this agreement.

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