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續會優惠 Membership Renewal Discount

續會優惠 條款及細則:

  1. 續會優惠活動日期為 2024 年 1 月 1 日 0:00 至 2024 年 3 月 31 日 22:15 。

  2. 續會優惠只限持美孚店有效月票、季票、半年票或年票會籍會員 (下稱「 有效會員 」) 享用。

  3. 正持有任何一款會籍之有效會員,於其會籍有效期內延續任何一種會籍 (即月票、季票、半年票及年票 ),均可享有續會優惠。

  4. 成人有效會員之續會優惠為 (請注意成人有效會員只可選優惠 1 或 2 ,選定後不可更改):

    • 續會優惠1 - 折扣優惠:續會時購買月票可享九折優惠; 季票、半年票及年票可享八五折優惠。

    • 續會優惠2 - 以原價續會送日票: 購買月票可獲一張日票; 季票可獲兩張; 半年票可獲三張; 年票可獲四張。

      1. 日票會以電子方式儲存於本館系統中,會員不會持有實體/電子門票。

      2. 此日票可轉讓他人使用,無論是否曾經到訪美孚店人士均可使用。

      3. 續會獲贈之日票數量為兩張或以上會員,使用其日票者可以為重複同一人。

      4. 日票只用作即日入場之用,不包括攀石鞋租借,租借攀石鞋每次、每對須付港幣$40。

      5. 此日票之有效期限與該會員更新後之會籍相同。若稍後再續票,之前已獲贈之日票有效期限將維持不變。
        例子:該會員續會月票後,其月票會籍有效期更新至 2024 年 7 月 15 日,所獲贈之日票最後有效日為 2024 年 7 月 15 日。若該會員稍後再續月票,即其月票會籍有效期更新至 2024 年 8 月 15 日,第一次續會所送贈之日票最後有效日並不會更新 (即仍然為 2024年 7 月 15 日 ),而稍後再續月票所送贈之日票最後有效日則為20234年 8 月 15 日。

      6. 若使用該會員所獲贈之日票入場人士有意購買月票、季票、半年票及年票會籍以升級為會員,可以支付差額於入場攀爬當日到本館接待處將日票升級至會籍 (如日票入場人士為有效學生,該獲贈日票的價值會自動變更為學生日票之價值 ($218)) 或 WhatsApp/Signal(6380 0112) /本館 Facebook/Instagram Inbox 以升級會籍,惟付款方式只限 PayMe /FPS/ATM 過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。會籍開始日必須為該入場人士入場攀爬當日。若於入場攀爬當日、接待處工作時間已過、或於入場攀爬當日之後,將不可把日票升級至會籍。

      7. 使用該會員所獲贈之日票入場人士不可支付差價,將門票改購成「五周年優惠第二彈-兩週票」。

  5. 學生有效會員只可享有續會折扣優惠:續會時購買月票、 季票、半年票及年票均可享九折優惠。

  6. 學生有效會員可選擇支付成人月票或以上會籍之價錢以獲取免費日票。

  7. 續買月票、季票、半年票及年票通行證者可於本館接待處開放時間內處理 (星期一至五-下午 2 時正至晚上 10 時 15 分;星期六、日及公眾假期 - 上午 10 時正至晚上 7 時 45 分) ,亦可 WhatsApp/Signal(6380 0112) 或經本館 Facebook/Instagram Inbox 以購買會籍,惟付款方式只限於 Payme /FPS/ATM 過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  8. 每位有效會員可於活動期內無限次享用續會優惠,惟成人有效會員每次只可選擇續會優惠 1 或續會優惠 2 ,而學生有效會員只可享有續會折扣優惠 。

  9. 如有查詢,可致電或WhatsApp/Signal 6380 0112 與我們聯絡。

  10. 續會優惠條款及細則如有更改,恕不另行通知。

  11. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym 保留最終決定權。

  12. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

Membership Renewal Discount Terms and Conditions:

  1. Membership Renewal Discount ("Renewal Discount ") event period is from 1 January 2024 00:00 to 31 March 2024 22:15.

  2. Renewal discount is only available for valid Mei Foo members who hold a monthly/quarterly/half-year/annual pass ("valid members").

  3. Valid members who are currently holding any type of membership, can enjoy the renewal discount when renewing any type of membership (i.e. monthly/quarterly/half-year/annual pass) within the validity period of their membership.

  4. Renewal discount for valid adult members (please note that valid adult members can only choose either offer 1 or 2, and cannot be changed after selection):

    • Renewal Offer 1 - Renew at a Discount Price: 10% off for monthly passes; 15% off for quarterly, half-year and annual passes.

    • Renewal Offer 2 - Renew the membership at the original price and get a free day pass(es): Buy a monthly pass to get 1 free day pass; Get 2 for a quarterly pass; Get 3 for a half-year pass; Get 4 for annual pass。

      1. Day pass(es) will be stored electronically in the gym's system. Members will not hold physical/electronic tickets.

      2. This day pass can be used by others, regardless of whether they have visited the Mei Foo Shop or not. 

      3. The days pass user can be the same person in the case of a member who is awarded 2 or more day passes.

      4. The days pass is for admission only and does NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.

      5. The validity period of this day pass is the same as the renewed. If a membership is renewed again at a later time, the valid period of the previously awarded day pass will remain unchanged.Example: After a member renews a monthly pass, the membership validity period of his/her monthly pass is updated to July 15, 2023, and the last valid date of the awarded day pass is July 15, 2023. If the member renews the monthly pass again later, the membership validity period of the monthly pass will be updated to August 15, 2023, and the last valid date of the day pass given for the first renewal will not be renewed (remains at July 15, 2023), and the last valid date of the day pass given by renewing the monthly pass is August 15, 2023. 

      6. If the awarded day pass user intends to upgrade the pass to a monthly/quarterly/half-year/annual pass, the user can pay the cost difference at the reception on the day of admission (If the day pass user is a valid student, the value of the awarded day pass will be seen as a student day pass ($218)). It is also acceptable to contact the gym via WhatsApp/Signal/Facebook/Instagram Inbox to upgrade the membership, but the payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. The membership start date must be the same day as the admission. The day pass cannot be upgraded to membership after the day of admission or after the front desk closing time.

      7. The awarded day pass user CANNOT upgrade his/her Day Pass to '5th Anniversary Special Offer Vol.2 14-Day Ticket' by paying the price difference on the day of climbing.

  5. Valid student members can only enjoy the renewal discount: 10% off for monthly/quarterly/half-year/annual pass at the time of renewal.

  6. Valid student members can pay the price of an adult monthly or above pass to get a free day pass(es).

  7. Valid members can renew their memberships during the opening hours of the gym (Monday to Friday: 14:00-22:30; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:00-20:00); or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112)/Facebook/Instagram Inbox, but the payment method is limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM, and a screenshot must be provided after payment is completed to confirm the transaction. 

  8. Each valid member can enjoy the renewal discount unlimitedly during the discount period, but valid adult members can only choose renewal discount 1 or renewal discount 2 each time, and valid student members can only enjoy the renewal discount.

  9. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  10. Terms and Conditions of the Renewal Discount are subject to change without prior notice.

  11. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  12. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

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