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「7 Days of Xmas」2022 Day 5 活動 — 開館價$598購買月票 Gym kick-start price $598 for a monthly pass

Fri, 16 Dec


The Player Climbingym

所有新舊客戶、現有或非現有會員:購買月票通行證 只需$598 (最遲可於2023年7月1日或以前啟用) All customers, current/non-current members: $598 to purchase a monthly membership (Activate on or before 1 July 2023)

請Please: WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) 購買會籍 For membership purchase
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「7 Days of Xmas」2022 Day 5 活動 — 開館價$598購買月票 Gym kick-start price $598 for a monthly pass
「7 Days of Xmas」2022 Day 5 活動 — 開館價$598購買月票 Gym kick-start price $598 for a monthly pass

Time & Location

16 Dec 2022, 12:00 am – 10:00 pm

The Player Climbingym, Hong Kong, Lai Chi Kok, Lai King Hill Rd, 272號荔灣花園6B舖

About the Event

有咩開心得過有會籍優惠?係有兩個會籍優惠啊!錯過咗Day 1 Offer,或者想加碼會籍優惠,Here you go!  今日限定:以五年前開館價$598購買月票!不論你現時呢一刻有冇會籍跟身都買得。最緊要係:會籍最遲可於2023年7月1日或以前先啟用!即使係現時有會籍,都可以之後先啟用呢個月票 / 喺現有會籍上加多一個月!

What's happier than having the membership discount? The answer is: Having TWO membership discounts! If you missed the Day 1 Offer or would like to go for another offer: Here you go!  Today's Offer: Gym kick-start price 5 years ago — $598 to purchase a monthly pass! No matter you're having a membership or not at the moment you can purchase this pass. The most important point is: This membership can be activated on or before 1 July 2023! Even if you're having a membership now, you can activate this monthly pass later / extend one month on top of the current membership!

「7 Days of Xmas」Day 5 活動條款及細則:

  1. 「7 Days of Xmas」2022 Day 5 (下稱「Day 5活動」) 活動期為 2022年12月16日 00:00-22:00。
  2. 參與Day 5活動之人士,所有新舊客戶、現有/非現有會員):以$598購買月票通行證一張,會籍可於2023年7月1日前任何一天生效,換言之,會籍不一定須在付款當天便開始。即使沒有於2023年7月1日或以前來臨過本館使用過會籍,或沒有告知我們你的會籍何時開始生效,其會籍亦會自動於2023年7月1日生效,本館不會事先通知會員。會藉之原價參考請按此:
  3. 參與Day 5活動之人士每人只可享用本日優惠一次。
  4. 參與Day 5活動人士必須於活動當日晚上10時正或以前完成付款,逾時交易一概不獲接納。請注意:活動當日晚上10時正前聯絡我們並不當作合符資格,必須以完成交易為準。
  5. 有意參與Day 5活動之人士可WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以購買會籍,惟付款方式只限於 PayMe / FPS / ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。(Payme payment link: ; FPS: 9510 0873 LAW A; ATM credit HSBC: 456 637784 838 THE PLAYER LTD)
  6. 有意參與Day 5活動之人士亦可於本館營業時間內親臨以購買會籍 (下午2時至晚上10時30分,請注意:接待處結束工作時間為晚上10時15分,Day 5活動結束時間為晚上10時正) 。
  7. 持有月票或以上會籍人士可於本館營業時間內光臨使用 (星期一至五下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布),會籍只用作入場之用,不包括攀石鞋租借。
  8. 如有查詢,可致電或WhatsApp/Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。
  9. Day 5活動如有更改,恕不另行通知。
  10. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

‘7 Days of Xmas’ 2022 Day 5 Event Terms and Conditions:

  1. The date of the ‘7 Days of Xmas' Day 5 Event (“Day 5 Event") is on December 16, 2022, 00:00-22:00.
  2. Participants of the Day 5 Event - All new and old customers, current/non-current members: Purchase a monthly memberships at $598. The membership can take effect on any day before July 1, 2023. In other words, the membership does not have to start on the day of payment. However, even if you have not visited the gym on or before July 1, 2023, or have not informed us when your membership will take effect, the membership will automatically take effect on July 1, 2023, and the gym will not make any notification in advance. Browse here for the original price of all memberships:
  3. Each participant of the Day 5 Event can only enjoy today's discount offer ONCE.
  4. Participants of the Day 5 Event must complete the payment at or before 22:00 on 16 December 2022. Overtime transactions will not be accepted. Please note that contacting us before 22:00 on the event is not considered eligible. The transaction must be completed before the deadline. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to contact the gym as earlier as possible to avoid transaction delays due to various reasons.
  5. Those who are interested in the Day 5 Event can contact us to purchase memberships via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or our Facebook/Instagram Inbox. Payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. After completing the payment, a screenshot must be provided to confirm the transaction. (PayMe payment link: ; FPS: 9510 0873 LAW A; ATM credit HSBC: 456 637784 838 THE PLAYER LTD)
  6. Those who are interested in the Day 5 Event can also visit the gym in person to purchase memberships during the opening hours (2pm to 10:30pm. Please note that the reception will be closed at 10:15pm, and the Day 5 event will end at 10pm).
  7. Membership can be used during the opening hours of The Player Climbingym ("the gym") (Monday to Friday from 2-10:30pm; Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays: 10am-8pm; Special business hours will be announced on the gym's Facebook and Instagram while amended. Memberships are only used for admission, not including climbing shoe rental.
  8. For inquiries, please call or WhatsApp/Signal 6380 0112 to contact us.
  9. The Day 5 Event is subject to change without prior notice.
  10. The Player Climbingym reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the arrangements.

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