「7 Days of Xmas」2022 Day 4 活動 — 裝備折扣日 Gear Discount Day!
Thu, 15 Dec
|The Player Climbingym
所有客戶: 今日購買所有裝備可享七折優惠 購買MAMMUT服裝 & SNAP產品更可享有半價優惠 Today's offer for all customers: 30% off for purchasing all equipment 50% off for buying MAMMUT clothing & SNAP products

Time & Location
15 Dec 2022, 12:00 pm – 11:59 pm
The Player Climbingym, Hong Kong, Lai Chi Kok, Lai King Hill Rd, 272號荔灣花園6B舖
About the Event
召喚所有準備入手裝備嘅朋友!喺今日(12月15日) 購買所有裝備都有7折優惠啊!買MAMMUT嘅服裝及SNAP產品更可享有半價優惠~ 聖誕Gau Wu是必需的😎😎想睇下有咩買?即刻上我哋官網睇睇👉 https://www.theplayerclimbing.com/shop
Time to purchase new equipment! Today's offer for all customers: 30% off for purchasing all equipment, and 50% off for buying MAMMUT clothing & SNAP Products! Xmas Shopping is essential, right?😎😎Visit our website now to see what to buy👉 https://www.theplayerclimbing.com/shop
「7 Days of Xmas」Day 4 活動條款及細則:
- 「7 Days of Xmas」2022 Day 4 (下稱「Day 4活動」) 活動期為 2022年12月15日 12:00-22:00。
- 所有客戶 (即非現有會員、現有會員、曾到訪或不曾到訪本館之人士) 均可參加「Day 4活動」。
- 貨品數量有限,先到先得,售罄即止。
- 可經官網、WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112)或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以購買裝備,惟付款方式只限於 PayMe/FPS/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。(PayMe payment link: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/AukSdXp989JAEotAeHQHGj ; FPS: 9510 0873 LAW A; ATM credit HSBC: 456 637784 838 THE PLAYER LTD)
- 下單後必須於活動當日晚上10時正或以前完成付款,逾時交易一概不獲接納;亦可於本館營業時間內親臨以購買裝備 (下午2時至晚上10時30分,請注意:接待處結束工作時間為晚上10時15分,而Day 4活動結束時間為晚上10時正) 。
- 所有購買之產品須親身來臨本館取貨。本館亦提供順豐到付郵寄服務,如有需要可致電或WhatsApp/Signal/FB/IG Inbox與我們聯絡。
- 如有查詢,可致電或WhatsApp/Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。
- Day 4活動如有更改,恕不另行通知。
- 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。
‘7 Days of Xmas’ Day 4 Event Terms and Conditions:
- The date of ‘7 Days of Xmas’ Day 4 Event (“Day 4 Event") is on December 15, 2022, 12:00-22:00.
- All customers (Non-existing members, existing members, people who have visited, or never visited the gym) can participate in the Day 4 Event and enjoy today's discount to purchase equipment.
- Products purchase are available on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last.
- Equipment purchase is available via our online shop, or contact us via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or our Facebook/Instagram Inbox. Payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. After completing the payment, a screenshot must be provided to confirm the transaction. (PayMe payment link: https://qr.payme.hsbc.com.hk/2/AukSdXp989JAEotAeHQHGj ; FPS: 9510 0873 LAW A; ATM credit HSBC: 456 637784 838 THE PLAYER LTD)
- Participants of the Day 4 Event must complete the payment at or before 22:00 on 15 December 2022. Overtime transactions will not be accepted; Those who are interested in the Day 4 Event can also visit the gym in person to purchase equipment during the opening hours (2PM-10:30PM. Please note that the reception will be closed at 10:15PM, and the Day 4 event will end at 10PM).
- All purchased products must be picked up in person at the gym. SFExpress cash-on-delivery service is also available. If necessary, please contact us via WhatsApp/Singal/FB/IG Inbox.
- For inquiries, please WhatsApp/Signal 6380 0112 to contact us.
- Day 4 Event is subject to change without prior notice.
- The Player Climbingym reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the arrangements.