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兩週票 14-Day Ticket

兩週票 條款及細則:

  1. 兩週票活動購票期為 2023年9月1日 12:00至2023年12月31日22:15。

  2. 任何人士均可購買兩週票。如購買兩週票人士未年滿16歲,入場攀爬時必須有家長/監護人陪同。

  3. 使用兩週票人士無須預約,可於本館營業時間(星期一至五下午2時至10時30分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時至下午8時;特別營業時間會於本館Facebook及Instagram內公布)到館攀爬,並使用各項設施,除了不定時之定線區域、私人活動、須另付入場費用的特備活動等等,有關安排將透過本館Facebook及Instagram公布。

  4. 兩週票只供入場之用,不包括租用攀石鞋。租借攀石鞋每次、每對收費為港幣$40。

  5. 兩週票有效期為購票日起計14日。購票時職員會告知購票者會籍之最後有效日,請購票者自行記下日子。如有查詢,歡迎親臨本館或發送訊息與我們聯絡。

  6. 兩週票使用者可於會籍有效期內、於本館營業時間內無限次入場。

  7. 兩週票只限登記個人使用。一經購買,任何情況下*,不可轉讓他人使用、退換或退款。

  8. 任何情況下*,已購買的兩週票不能暫停或凍結。

  9. 日票使用者 (非指經「續會優惠 」贈送之門票入場者) 可支付差價,於入場攀爬當日到訪本館接待處將日票升級至兩週票。

  10. 除非本館另有明確說明,否則購買兩週票不可與其他優惠或折扣一同使用。

  11. 經「續會優惠 」贈送之門票入場者不可支付差價,將門票改購成兩週票。

  12. 兩週票可於本館接待處開放時間內購買 (星期一至五:下午2時正至晚上10時15分;星期六、日及公眾假期:上午10時正至晚上7時45分前);亦可WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) 或經本館Facebook/Instagram Inbox以購買兩週票,惟付款方式只限於PayMe/FPS轉數快/ATM過數,完成付款後必須提供截圖以確認交易。

  13. 購買兩週票時,本館職員會協助持證人拍照並上傳至本館系統以作記錄。持證人將獲發會員卡一張。會員卡背面印有持證人姓名、其獨特的會員號碼以及入場條碼 (Barcode)。持有效會籍者於每次入場時必須以個人會員卡掃瞄條碼,成功掃瞄後方可入場。

  14. 如持證人已擁有本館會員卡,須沿用已持有的會員卡入場。會員卡如有遺失,請參照第16條所述的規定辦理補領手續。

  15. 本館在特定情況下或會要求會員在入場時出示身分證明文件以核實個人身份。如本館認為會員的身份無法通過本條款及細則所載的一種或多種方法被核實,本館有權拒絕有關賓客進入本館。

  16. 因遺失、失竊、損壞而需申請補發的會員卡須付$20手續費。會員須親身到本館辦理及領取補發之會員卡。補領時,會員須提供個人身份證明文件以供核實。

  17. 本館有權隨時於以下情況取消及/或沒收會員卡(及其相關會籍),或暫停或中止與會員卡相關的優惠,而毋須退款或作出任何賠償:

    1. 使用會員卡入場或領取優惠者並非會員卡上所指定的賓客;

    2. 會員卡及/或其優惠被用於商業目的或其他未經授權的目的而被濫用;

    3. 會員違反或不遵守此等條款及細則,或是本館的任何條款;

    4. 會員作出危險、違法或無禮的行為;

    5. 為保障安全、治安或秩序;或

    6. 本館認為情況所需。

  18. ​所有人士均可於購票期內無限購買兩週票。若已持有效兩週票/月票或以上會籍後再加購,其會籍會於原會籍完結後自動開始。

  19. 不接受持有效兩週票者支付差價以將兩週票改購成為1/3/6/12個月會籍通行證。

  20. 持有效兩週票人士不能使用「續會優惠 」。

  21. 如有查詢,可致電或WhatsApp/Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。

  22. 兩週票活動條款及細則如有更改,恕不另行通知。

  23. 如有任何爭議,The Player Climbingym保留最終決定權。

  24. 以上條款及細則以繁體中文及英文編寫,各文本之間如有歧異或矛盾,概以繁體中文本為準。

14-Day Ticket Terms and Conditions:

  1. 14-Day Ticket purchase period is from 1 September 2023 12:00 to 31 December 2023 22:15.

  2. All visitors can purchase the 14-Day ticket. Ticket holders aged 16 and below must be accompanied by a parent/guardian throughout the entire admission.

  3. No reservation is needed for 14-Day ticket holders. Holders can visit the gym during the opening hours (Monday to Friday, 2:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.; special opening hours will be announced through the gym’s Facebook and Instagram pages) for climbing and using facilities in-gym, except for occasional route setting areas, private events, special activities that require additional admission fees, etc. Relevant arrangements will be announced through the gyms’ Facebook and Instagram.

  4. 14-Day Ticket is for admission only and does NOT include the climbing shoes rental fee. The rental fee for each pair of shoes is HK$40 per visit.

  5. The validity of the 14-Day Ticket is 14 days from the date of purchase. The last valid date of the ticket will be informed to the holders by staff. Holders shall note the date on his/her own. For any inquiries, please contact us in-gym or via text.

  6. Holders can visit the gym anytime during the gym opening hours, within his/her ticket valid period.

  7. 14-Day Ticket is for personal use only. Once purchased and under any circumstance, the ticket is NOT transferable, exchangeable, or refundable.

  8. 14-Day Ticket CANNOT be suspended or frozen under any circumstance*.
    *Any circumstance includes but not limited to the temporary closure due to the government's latest pandemic measure, and completed vaccinations required by the government.

  9. Day Pass users (not referring to visitors who enter using a free day ticket gifted by ‘Membership Renewal Discount’ can upgrade his/her Day Pass to 14-Day Ticket by paying the price difference on the day of climbing.

  10. Except as otherwise provided in these terms and conditions or stated by the gym, 14-Day Ticket purchase cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions or discounts. 

  11. Visitors who enter using a free day ticket gifted by ‘Membership Renewal Discount’ CANNOT upgrade his/her Day Pass to 14-Day Ticket by paying the price difference on the day of climbing.

  12. 14-Day Ticket can be purchased during the opening hours at the front desk (Monday to Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.; Saturday, Sunday, and Public Holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.); or via WhatsApp/Signal (6380 0112) or Facebook/Instagram inbox (While payment methods are limited to PayMe/FPS/ATM. A screenshot/receipt must be provided after the transaction in order to confirm the payment).

  13. Staff will assist the holder to take a personal photo and upload it to the gym system for the record. The holder will be issued a membership card. Member’s name, unique membership number, and entry barcode are printed on the back of the card. Valid holders must scan the card with the barcode every time while entering the gym.

  14. If the holder already has a membership card, he/she must use the previous card for entry, and a new membership card will NOT be issued. If the card is lost, please refer to procedure 16 for processing.

  15. Apart from scanning the membership cards, holders might be required to present identification documents to verify his/her personal identities while entering the gym. If the gym considers that the holder’s identity cannot be verified by one or more methods set out in these terms and conditions, the gym reserves the right to reject the member from entering.

  16. Membership cards that are lost, stolen, damaged, or reissued at the request of holders are subject to a handling fee determined by the gym. Member must visit the gym in person to apply and collect the reissued membership card. Member is required to provide personal identification documents for verification upon card replacement.

  17. The gym reserves the right at any time to revoke and/or retain the membership card (and the corresponding membership), or suspend or terminate the benefits associated with the membership card, without refund or compensation id in its sole judgment any of the following circumstances arise:
    if the membership card is used for admission or redemption of benefits by any person other than the member whose name is printed on the membership card;

    1. if the membership card is used for admission or redemption of benefits by any person other than the member whose name is printed on the membership card;

    2. if the membership card and/or its benefits are used for commercial or other unauthorised purposes;

    3. if the member violates or fails to comply with any of these terms and conditions, or any terms of the gym;

    4. for unsafe, illegal, or offensive behaviour;

    5. to ensure safety, security or order; or

    6. if The Player Climbingym considers that the circumstances so require.

  18. ​All visitors can purchase the 14-Day Ticket unlimitedly during the purchase period. If you already hold a valid 14-Day Ticket/monthly or above membership and then purchase a 14-Day Ticket, the 14-Day Ticket will start automatically after the original membership expires.

  19. 14-Day Ticket CANNOT be upgraded to membership (1/3/6/12 months membership) by paying the price difference.

  20. 14-Day Ticket holders cannot use the ‘Membership Renewal Discount’.

  21. For inquiries, please contact us via phone, WhatsApp, or Signal at 6380 0112.

  22. Terms and Conditions of the 14-Day Ticket are subject to change without prior notice.

  23. In case of any disputes, The Player Climbingym reserves the right of any final decision.

  24. The above terms and conditions are written in both traditional Chinese and English. In case of discrepancies or contradictions between those two versions, the traditional Chinese version shall have prevailed.

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