Terms and Conditions
The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023條款及細則 (Scroll down for English Version):
The Player Climbingym(下稱「場館」)為「The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023」比賽(下稱「比賽」)的主辦機構。參賽者必須在報名前細心閱讀以下條款及細則,提交報名表格即表示同意遵守和接納是次比賽的所有條款、細則及賽事聲明。
1. 比賽詳情
1.1 比賽舉辦日期為 2023年3月25日(星期六)。
1.2 賽程表將容後公布。
1.3 比賽舉辦地點為The Player Climbingym(荔景山路272號荔灣花園6B及6B1舖)。
1.4 比賽名額共 40 人、分 2 組(各組名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止)
1.4.1 A組:7-9歲 (2015 - 2017年期間出生),男女同組 (名額共20人)
1.4.2 B組:10-12歲 (2012 - 2014年期間出生),男女同組 (名額共20人)
1.5 每位參加者將獲精美限量T恤一件。
2. 報名詳情
2.1 比賽只限網上報名。2023年3月2日(星期四)下午 6 時正開始接受報名;截止報名日期為 2023年3月20日(星期一) 晚上 8 時正【逾期報名,恕不接受】
2.2 報名網站為:
2.3 報名費用為:港幣320元 (本館學生);港幣420元 (非本館學生參賽者)
2.4 參賽者必須於報名後三天內完成付款,逾時交易一概不獲接納,其報名資格亦會被取消。
付款只限以下方式 — 網上:PayMe/FPS/ATM;親臨場館:現金/PayMe/FPS/八達通/EPS/VISA/MASTER。
2.5 參賽者的出生年份必須為2012-2017年,方可參與是次比賽。參賽者必須如實申報其出生年份,並報名相應組別,否則將被取消參賽資格。
2.6 每位參賽者只可參與一個組別,並只可以報名一次。如有發現重覆報名,場館將取消參賽者所有報名申請而不作另行通知。
2.7 參賽者一經報名及完成交易,任何情況下均不可退款。
2.8 參賽名額只限本人使用,任何情況下均不可轉讓他人。
2.9 如有任何因電腦、網路、電話、技術或其他不可歸責於本館之事由,而使報名人士所登錄之資料有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識或損毀,導致資料無效之情況,本館不負責任何法律責任,報名人士均不得異議。
2.10 如有特殊情況,例如惡劣天氣、因應政府之防疫措施而須全館閉館等原因,場館會按實際情況再通知參賽者比賽安排事宜。
3. 參賽
3.1 參賽者準時按指定時間準時出席,遲到參賽者將被取消參賽資格。
3.2 參賽者必須理解比賽所涉及的風險及所需之體能負荷。參賽者如有任何不宜於攀石之疾病或傷患,請參賽者自行評估是否適合參加比賽。若隱瞞已知身體狀況,場館恕不負責,並有權拒絕參賽者參加比賽。場館在得悉或懷疑的情況下,保留取消或不容許任何不適宜參賽人士的參賽資格之權利。一旦參賽者遞交報名表格及參與比賽,即參賽者向場館保證及確保其身體狀況適宜參與及完成比賽。
3.3 場館保留權利取消任何觸犯、違反規則人士之參賽資格及成績。被取消資格參賽者之報名費,將不獲退還。
3.4 參賽者必須妥善保管自己的個人財物,及需穿着合適的衣著參賽。若發生任何意外,場館恕不負責。
3.5 參賽者只能在熱身及比賽期間之指定範圍內攀爬。
3.6 若場館認為有參賽者作出令人無法容忍的行為,包括但不限於對其他在場人士及/或作出滋擾、對其他人造成身體上的傷害、使用可能令人厭惡或煩擾的言語或動作、或作出不雅的行為,場館有權要求該參賽者離開或終止該參賽者的比賽資格。在這種情況下,該參賽者將不會獲得任何退款或其他安排。
4. 個人資料
4.1 參賽者需要向主辦機構提供有關個人資料,未能提供者將視爲放棄參賽資格。
4.2 每名參賽者及其家長/監護人同意讓場館為是次比賽使用其個人資料,該等使用當遵從個人資料(私隱)條例。
4.3 所有為是次比賽而收集的個人資料將由場館儲存。
4.4 參賽者及其家長/監護人同意場館可為是次比賽向第三方及向被場館聘請以協助發展、組織及管理是次比賽的外部服務供應商或其他各方提供所收集的個人資料。
5. 免責聲明
5.1 場館保留在未有事先通知下更改比賽的任何條款、細則及內容、延期或取消是次比賽的權利。
5.2 所有參賽者一旦參加比賽,即同意豁免向場館、場館聘請以協助發展、組織及管理是次比賽的外部服務供應商或其他各方追討責任,包括但不限於比賽場地及期間發生或其引致之自身意外或任何形式的損失索償。
5.3 場館不會承擔任何由資料錯誤、遺漏、隱瞞、干擾、刪除或缺失、缺陷、或操作或溝通延誤;通信線路故障;或針對報名表格的變更而引起的責任。場館對任何電話網絡或線路、電腦線上系統、伺服器或提供商、電腦儀器、軟件的任何問題或技術故障、或因互聯網或任何網站上的技術問題或網絡擠塞而導致任何電子郵件未能被接收、任何種類的人為錯誤、或以上的任何組合負上責任,包括與參加是次比賽有關或由其引起而對參賽者或任何人士的電腦造成的任何傷害或破壞免責。
6. 其他
6.1 場館保留對本條款及細則的最終解釋及修訂權。
6.2 如有查詢,可WhatsApp/Signal 6380 0112與我們聯絡。
6.3 比賽之條款及細則如有更改,恕不另行通知。
The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023 賽事聲明
謹此聲明本人參加 The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023 比賽(下稱「比賽」),並考慮到參與此活動將有機會贏得獎品及領取相關物品。本人聲明及確認願意遵守由 The Player Limited(下稱「場館」)訂立之條文及規則,並同意以下所列之各點:
1. 本人是自願參加比賽和願意承擔自身的意外風險及責任,並豁免向場館、其它有關機構及公司對本人在比賽中發生或引致之自身意外以任何形式之損失索償或追討責任。
2. 本人聲明本人身體健康及有能力參加比賽。在不違反法律的原則下,本人願意豁免場館以及其顧問、代理人、董事 、員工、職員及義務工作人員,因本人比賽中發生或所引致之自身意外以任何形式之損失索償或追討責任。
3. 本人願意授權予場館使用本人的(因比賽本人向場館提供或場館從本人收集的)個人資料、肖像、姓名、聲音、體能資料(“該等資料”)以作場館來年或將來之活動籌辦、推廣或宣傳之用。本人同意:
i. 場館將擁有包含該等資料的刊物(如相片、錄像、印刷品等)(“該等刊物”)所涉及之一切權利(包括但不限於版權);及
ii. 如需要,場館可展示、複製、編訂、刊登或以其他方式使用該等資料或該等刊物。場館無須再取得本人的批准而行,而本人亦放棄任何審核該等刊物的權利。
4. 本人接受並會遵守場館為比賽訂立的所有規則。本人明白如該等規則未能遵守,則可能根據場館決定而被取消資格。本人或須負責賠償場館因本人不遵守場館因時制訂的規則及本人所有故意、魯莽或疏忽的行為而導致的損失及責任。
5. 本人聲明在報名表格上之資料完整及確實無誤,並確認所遞交的資料正確無誤,亦理解場館有權查核遞交資料的真確性的權利。本人明白,若遞交不實或虛假的資料,場館有權按事件嚴重性採取相應紀律行動。
6. 本人同意場館有權收集、儲存及使用本人在報名表格上所填報之個人資料(以【個人資料(私穩)條例】之定義為準)以作比賽相關的用途(包括但不限於籌備、推廣或宣傳比賽)及用作直接促銷比賽及場館贊助商所提供及售賣的產品與服務。本人亦同意場館可將這類資料發放予與比賽的籌辦、安排、舉行、推廣或宣傳有關的團體,包括但不限於賽事攝影師、傳媒、報章及雜誌。本人同意該等收集、儲存及使用是合法及實屬公平。本人亦同意本人所有資料,包括本人的個人資料、照片、電子影像及聲音檔案等,都可能被用作宣傳比賽。
7. 比賽所引發的任何爭議(包括本聲明或任何參加規則的解釋和行使),場館將擁有最終的決定權。
8. 若中、英文版的文意有任何歧義,一概以中文版本為準。
The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023 Terms and Conditions:
"The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023" (“the competition") is organized by The Player Climbingym (“the gym”). Participants must read the following terms and conditions carefully before registration. By submitting the registration form, you agree to abide by and accept all terms, conditions, and statements of this competition.
1. Competition Details
1.1 The competition will be held on March 25, 2023 (Saturday).
1.2 Rundown of the competition will be announced later.
1.3 The competition will be held at The Player Climbingym (Shop. 6B &6B1, Lai Chi Kok Bay Garden, 272 Lai King Hill Road).
1.4 There are a total of 40 participants, divided into 2 groups (the number of places in each group is limited at a first-come-first-
1.4.1 Group A: 7 - 9 years old (Birth between 2015 - 2017), mixed gender, Quota: 20
1.4.2 Group B: 10 - 12 years old (Birth between 2012 - 2014), mixed gender, Quota: 20
1.5 Each participant will receive a limited T-shirt.
2. Registration Details
2.1 The competition only accepts online registration. Registration will open on March 2, 2023 (Thursday) at 6 PM, and will close on March 20, 2023 (Monday) at 6 PM 【Late registration will not be accepted】
2.2 The registration website is:
2.3 Enrollment fee is HK$320 (If he/she IS a student in this gym); HK$420 (If he/she IS NOT a student in this gym).
2.4 Participants must complete the payment within three days after registration. Overdue transactions will not be accepted, and their registration will be canceled.
Payment is limited to the following methods - Online: PayMe/FPS/ATM; In-gym: Cash/PayMe/FPS/Octopus/EPS/VISA/MASTER.
2.5 Participants must be born in the year 2012-2017 to participate in this competition. Participants must truthfully declare their birth year and sign up for the corresponding group, otherwise, they will be disqualified.
2.6 Each participant can only participate in one category and can only register once. If duplicate registrations are found, the gym will cancel all registered applications of this participant without prior notice.
2.7 Once the participant has registered and completed the transaction, no refund will be given under any circumstances.
2.8 The registered place is limited to the registered participant and cannot be transferred to others under any circumstances.
2.9 If the information registered by the participant is lost, wrong, unrecognizable, or damaged due to any computer, network, telephone, technology, or other reasons not attributable to the gym, the information will be invalid. It is not responsible for any legal responsibility, and applicants shall not object.
2.10 In case of special circumstances, such as inclement weather and the government's epidemic prevention measures, the gym will notify the participants regarding the arrangement according to the actual situation.
3. Participation
3.1 Participants are requested to be present on time. Latecomers will be disqualified from the competition.
3.2 Participants must understand the risks involved in the competition and the physical load required. If participants have any disease or injury that is not suitable for climbing, they shall evaluate on their own whether they are suitable to participate in the competition. The gym will not be responsible for concealment or symptoms and reserves the right to refuse participants to participate in the competition. The gym reserves the right to disqualify any unsuitable participant from the competition in the event of knowledge or suspicion. Once the participant submits the application and participates in the competition, the participant warrants to the gym and ensures that his or her physical condition is suitable for participating in and completing the competition.
3.3 The gym reserves the right to cancel the qualifications and results of anyone who violates the rules. The registration fee for disqualified participants will not be refunded.
3.4 Participants must take good care of their personal belongings and wear appropriate attire. The gym is not responsible for any accident.
3.5 Participants can only climb within the designated area for warm-up and competition.
3.6 If the gym considers that a participant has behaved intolerably, including but not limited to nuisance to other people present and/or, causing bodily harm to others, using words that may be offensive or annoying, acting, or making indecent behavior, the gym reserves the right to ask the participant to leave or terminate his/her competition qualification. In such an event, the participant will not receive any refund or other arrangement.
4. Personal Data
4.1 Participants are required to provide relevant personal data to the gym. Failure to provide it will be considered a forfeiture of eligibility.
4.2 Each participant and his/her parent/guardian allow the gym to use his/her personal data for this competition, and such use shall comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.
4.3 All personal data collected for this competition will be stored by the gym.
4.4 Participants and their parents/guardians agree that the gym may provide the personal data collected for the competition to third parties, external service providers, or other parties engaged by the gym to assist in the development, organization, and management of the competition.
5. Disclaimer
5.1 The gym reserves the right to change any terms and conditions, as well as to postpone or cancel the competition without prior notice.
5.2 Once the participant attends the competition, he/she agrees to waive his/her liability to the gym, external service providers hired by the gym to assist in the development, organization, and management of the competition, or other parties, including but not limited to self-accident or any form of loss claim caused during the competition at the gym.
5.3 The gym will not be liable for any errors, omissions, concealment, interference, deletion or deletion, defects, or delays in operation or communication; failure of communication lines; or changes to registration forms. Any problems or technical failures of the gym with any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, or any email failure due to technical problems or network congestion on the Internet or any website Acceptance, human error of any kind, or any combination of the above, including any injury or damage to the computer of the entrant or any person in connection with or arising out of participation in this competition is exempt.
6. Others
6.1 The gym reserves the right to final interpretation and revision of these terms and conditions.
6.2 For inquiries, please contact us via WhatsApp/Signal at 6380 0112.
6.3 The terms and conditions of the competition are subject to change without notice.
The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023 Event Declarations
As a condition of my being permitted to compete in The Player Kid Crusher Bouldering Championships 2023 (collectively “the competition”) and in consideration of the opportunity to win prizes and to be given valuables, I confirm and declare to The Player Limited (collectively “the gym”) as follows:
1. I understand that by participating in the competition there are risks of injury and/or loss. I am entering the competition entirely at my own risk and responsibility. I hereby discharge the gym and any other individual, organization, or company connected directly or indirectly with the competition or providing services or advice to me from any responsibility or liability in the event of my injury or loss of property sustained or incurred during the competition.
2. I am and will be physically fit and capable of participating in and completing the competition. I agree to indemnify the gym and its advisers, agents, directors, employees, officers, officials, servants, and volunteers and hold them indemnified and harmless for all losses, damages, and liabilities resulting from my injury or loss of property sustained or incurred during the competition.
3. I grant permission to the gym to utilize my personal information, appearance, name, voice, bio-data likeness submitted by me or collected by the gym in connection with the competition (“such information”) for the gym, promotion, or publicity of the current and future Event. I agree that:
the gym shall own all rights (including without limitation, copyrights) in and arising from materials (e.g. photos, video, printed materials, etc.) (“such materials”) that contain such information; and
the gym may exhibit, copy, edit, publish or use in any other ways such information or such materials where necessary. No further approval needs to be obtained from me and I also waive any right of inspection associated with such materials.
4. I accept and will adhere to all rules and regulations that the gym imposes from time to time for the competition. I understand that failure to adhere to any such rules and regulations will be subject to disqualification as may be determined by the gym. I may possibly indemnify the gym for all losses, damages, and liabilities as a result of my failure to adhere to any rule or regulation in force from time to time or as a result of any act of mine which is either wilful, reckless or negligent and which causes loss, damages or injury to any person or property.
5. I hereby declare that the data and information I provide on the entry form are correct, true, and complete. By submitting my registration form for the competition, I acknowledge that the information I submitted is true and valid and the gym has the right to verify such information, which if found to be false, the gym has the right to enforce disciplinary action where appropriate.
6. I agree that the gym is permitted to collect, store and use my personal data (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) as provided by me in the entry form for the purpose of or in connection with the competition (including but not limited to the gym, promotion, and publicity of the competition) and for the purpose of direct marketing in relation to the competition or in relation to any services or products provided or sold by any sponsor of the competition and that such collection, storage, and use are lawful and fair in the circumstances. I further agree that the gym may pass on such personal data to their agents, contracting parties, supporting organizations, and other related parties for the purposes mentioned above, in particular but without limitation to the competition photographer, the media, and the press.
7. In the event of a dispute in respect of or arising from the competition including the interpretation and application of these declarations or any rules and regulations, the decision of the gym shall be final, binding, and conclusive.
8. In case of discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.